|chapter 9|

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Cold breeze kissed Avni's face who was sitting on the beach with her legs dipping in the water. She slowly drew something on the sand to her left staring at the waves.

Her eyes were red due to crying continuously. She hugged herself and looks at straight registering what Neil spoke earlier back. Her ears went deaf what she heard. Did she even heard him right.

Avni sighed before picking a small stone and throwing it into the sea.

As she threw the stones a long tear rolled down her cheeks. She wiped her tears and starts talking to herself.

Avni : why? Does he wants marry me? Why?

She was muttering nonsenses about herself when she heard someone clearing throat. She tilts her head back and saw old lady looking at her.

Avni giving confuse look turns back and stares the wave. Avni again turns her head side away when she felt someone sitting beside her. She looks at the same  old lady sitting beside her.

Old lady: why are you sitting alone at night time? Your family would be worried not seeing you at home?

A tear escaped from Avni's eyes just mere mention of family being worried for her. What was her identity? Who was her family? She didn't even know someone called hers?

Avni chuckles lightly ignoring the lady's words.

Old lady: what is your name dear? You shouldn't be here alone at this time. It is not safe.

Avni again looks at the lady.

Avni : I don't want to be rude to you but can you please leave me alone.

Old lady: I won't mind leaving you alone but staying alone is not solution to any situation. You can share it with me. I won't tell anyone. You can trust me.

Avni : I don't know what my life holds for me. I don't know where I am standing. I don't know anything.

Old lady : it's seems like love problem.

Avni : love? Is it too obvious?

Old lady: maybe it is. He left you? If you crying because he left you then don't be. He must be idiotic to leave such a beautiful girl behind.

Avni : he didn't leave me.. I don't know how to explain you.

Old lady : he didn't leave you. Then why are you crying? Did he cheat you with someone?

Avni : no he didn't. He can never do that.

Old lady : you're so confusing. What is the matter? Why are you crying on the beach instead being with him?

Avni : he wants to marry me.

As she said this the old lady starts laughing making avni frown.

Avni : why are you laughing? This is not joke.

Old lady controls her laugh and looks at avni.

Old lady : I'm sorry dear but this sounds so funny. He wants marry you then it should be happy and celebration time. Why are you crying? Every girl has dream getting married one day. All the girls want a guy to propose but look at you, you don't look happy. Why is that so?

Avni : why would someone marry a orphan girl like me? Why would someone love me? My life is not simple but a complete mess. I don't want to ruin his life because of my messy life.

The old lady holds Avni's hands and kept her hand on Avni's head.

Old lady : look at me. You being orphan doesn't define him. He loves you the way you're. Why would someone leave beautiful girl like you just because you claim yourself as orphan. My dear you need to accept abs with wholeheartedly allow him to enter in your life. Trust your fate. He will bring all the happiness you deserve. I'm sure he loves you more than anything. Allow him to love you. Cherish your life with him. Listen to your heart before taking any step. Your heart will show you correct path. Believe me you won't regret your decision.

The old lady parting Avni's head getting up leaves from there leaving avni alone in deep thoughts.

Neil rubbing his nape walks down the stairs to see his family sitting in hall. His eyes went on Avni who was silently sitting with them. He diverted his gaze and walks to them.

He sat opposite avni keeping his head on swetha' lap who looks at him before ruffling his hair softly.

Prakash: Neil what is your plan? I heard that you want to start new business. Is it true?

Neil looks at Prakash.

Neil : yes dad I want to start new business but not in India. I want to start aboard.

Prakash: I don't have any problem in that but have you thought where though? How will you start?

Neil : I haven't thought anything yet but will do soon. Also dad before starting new business I want to settle down in my life.

It took few minutes for all the khanna family to realise what Neil said apart from avni who feared thinking about khanna's family reaction.

Neil rubbed his head as swetha smacked his head hardly.

Neil : mom you can't hit me.

Swetha : why is my son so dumb? Why didn't you share this news to us? I can't even tell how much happy I am today. My son will get married soon.

Swetha gushed about Neil's marriage whereas avni sat there in nervous.

Bebe and Prakash had smile on their face knowing they are also happy about Neil wanting to to settle down. They looked at avni who was nervous and fiddling with her fingers.

Swetha kneels down front of avni and holds her hand. Neil too sat up.

Swetha : avni aren't you happy?

Avni : I....

She starts fumbling making the family worried.

Bebe also comes near avni.

Bebe : it's okay avni. You don't have to agree. No one will force you to get marry. Neil can wait. We won't get you both married till you don't say so. Okay! You are still our daughter.

That's was all for avni to crash into Bebe's arms and sob silently.

Bebe broke hug after while once avni stops crying and cupping Avni's face wiped her tears off.

Bebe : why are you crying? You should be happy avni. You have beautiful family support with you. we are blessed to have you. No one is going to force your decision. No one will do that. We want your both happiness. You had long day. Go and rest.

Avni nodded her head and glancing at Neil made her way to guest room. As she felt khanna family looked at Neil.

Prakash: Neil what did you do that made her upset?

Neil : I didn't do anything dad! I just told her to marry me.

He said rubbing his forehead and looks at his family who slapped their head after hearing Neil.

Bebe : Neil you proved yourself that you are stupid boyfriend I have ever crossed. Who propose any  girl like that? You better propose in grand away.

Neil bobbed his head while thinking way to convince avni for the marriage.

Happiness in khanna has began without being aware of the storm that will destroy a lot of things.

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Ishqezain1805 bubbleybunnies

Heart filled with love yet drown in vegenance |completed|Where stories live. Discover now