|chapter 33|

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Neil was staring avni  who was sleeping with frown on her face and uncomfortable on the couch... he brought the blanket and covers. He slowly brought his hand up to her cheeks..

He caressed her cheeks..

Neil : i have lost you avni forever... even If I want you back I can't you have because you have someone..... and there is something should be hidden from you till you go back to Australia... you can't know the truth.. I can't tell why I left you on our engagement day... maybe we are not meant be together... someone was right... I did lost a gem like you... I know you can never forgive me but still I wish you have great life ahead... I don't want to hurt you anyone... I did hurt you a lot in past... some things are meant be hidden and kept secret..

Neil kissing forehead and muttering goodnight.

Neil : good night baby.... No matter how much you hate me.. I still love you..

Neil once again kissing her forehead went to his room.

As he felt avni opens her eyes and wipes her tears off as it rolled down her cheeks.

Avni : why did you left me Neil? We have could been together Neil if you didn't leave me that day... whatever reasons you have.. I'll find out..

Avni turns her head around and looks at his room away to see the lights room.. she sighs and throwing duvet over her body walks upstairs to his room.. she saw the door little bit open..

She peeps inside and saw him gulping glass of water.. as Neil kept the glass avni knocks the door making him startled... his head snaps at the door and his body went numb seeing her at the door...

Neil : what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?

Avni : woh! I couldn't sleep downstairs... can I sleep here?

Neil : what?

Avni : woh.... I'm not used to sleep on couch.. it's really uncomfortable there... can I sleep in your room?

Neil looks at avni then thought.

Neil : won't you have problem sleeping here?

Avni : no! Can I?

Neil just nodded his head making her smile little bit.. avni closing the door comes inside and took right side whereas Neil without getting noticed closed the drawer and laid himself down on left of the bed..

Neil : are you comfortable sharing bed with me? If not I can go downstairs?

Avni : no! I'm comfortable sharing bed with you..

Neil: good night!

Avni : goodnight!

Neil immediately slept as he took the pills whereas avni was still wide awake.. she stares his feature... his frown... his facial expression.. she also knew something was fishy before she walked into the room.. she had to find out what is happening with his life when she wasn't here..

No lies she wanted to hurt him to any extent but something is stopping her.. she doesn't know why she can't him see him pain when he was the one who choice the pain between them.. she was totally confused what was happening in their lives.. she had to resolve the problem between them....

Next morning avni opens her eyes and looks at Neil whose arms were wrapped around her waist. Their face was so close to each other.... Avni lifting her hand up caressed his face but didn't get any reaction which shocked her.. she knew he was light sleeper...

Avni staring him for an hour decided to fresh up. She walks to washroom but realising she doesn't have any clothes with her.. she frowned but smirks an idea click into her head.

She opens Neil's cupboard and pulls one of short and t- shirt.. she then walks go washroom to get fresh up.

Avni comes out of the washroom and moves to dressing table... she combed her hair and finding moisture cream applied it on her face..

She then walks to Neil's side and saw the empty glass.. she recalled him gulping the water before she came on and his startled face when she knocked..

She opens her drawer and took the bottle out of pills.. she immediately recognised the bottle as one time she used to take them too but was shocked knowing Neil was taking those pills..

She shoved the bottle in her shirt pocket and moves back to her side of the bed. She took her phone and messaged reyansh about her whereabouts..

She kept her phone down and looks at Neil who was still asleep. She knew he wouldn't get up any sooner so she thought to make breakfast...

She putting heir in bun walks out of the room.. she moves to kitchen and went through every cupboard but found them empty.. she sighed and thought to what do next....

She sat on the kitchen slab and thought what to do next when she heard door bell..

She got confused who could be here.... She nevertheless went out of kitchen and opens the door to see familiar girl... she tried recalling where did she see the girl.. suddenly she remembered her.

Avni : who are you? What are you doing here?

Jasmine : hey I'm jasmine... you don't know me but I know you.. well I'm here to meet Neil. Where is he?

Avni : arrrr.... He is still asleep.. how do you know he lives here?

She was jealous seeing a girl on his apartment door step.. why wouldn't she be jealous... she still had feelings for him but her revenge overpowered over her love for him...

Jasmine: can I get inside? ... I brought some foods with me..

Avni nodded her head and allowed jasmine in.

They sat in hall and looks at each other.

Avni : you didn't answer my question? How do you Neil?

Jasmine : I know Neil since I took him to hospital other day... so basically Neil was unconscious on isolated  road and luckily I was passing that road.. I took him to hospital.. from that day I know him...

Avni made oh face..

Avni : why did he go hospital? I mean why was he unconscious? Where is his family?

Jasmine : I don't know why he was there and what reason of his unconscious lying there? And about his family then he always avoiding  talking about them... I know you are his friend. right?

Avni nodded her head without thinking.. she didn't knew if he still considers her a friend or not.

Jasmine : I don't know what happened between that bitch and him but I'm so happy that he isn't marrying that bitch anymore. I can't hold my excitement when I heard that..

Avni : who are you talking about? Which bitch?

Jasmine: Juhi Metha! The spoilt daughter of her father... I hated her so much.. because of her Neil lost himself... I don't know much but I heard there Neil loved Juhi step sister... but before they could get engage.. they drifted away.. I know the reason has to be Neil... she is so obsessed with Neil... she can never see anyone else with Neil... I'm sure she is the reason why they drifted away... why ruined his life... he still loves her not that bitch... why can't she get Neil belongs to her step sister not her....

Jasmine blabbered something that avni shouldn't know but what is done can't change... jasmine words got avni to think.... Avni was zoned out not listening to jasmine who was badmouthing about Juhi..

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Ishqezain1805  Bubbleybunnies

Heart filled with love yet drown in vegenance |completed|Where stories live. Discover now