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Five years have passed from the massacre, and now I am 12 years old. I can now see the future, but my eyes glow when I see the future, so I try to do it when no ones looking like at night. The Hokage did let Sasuke-nii and me live alone, and didn't made public my rank. He would sometimes visit us and bring us things that we needed, he would also bring me new books because I couldn't enter in the library because I didn't have parents permission...
I stood in my class with Sasuke-nii. Sasuke-nii became very overprotective with me, to the point that I could only talk to people when he was beside me or at least close. He became more cold to other people and was no longer friends with Naruto and Hinata. I also made lunch for Naruto, Sasuke-nii,and me everyday. Sasuke-nii became more popular with the girls after time, I really don't know why he became more popular when he became colder...

After convincing Sasuke-nii that I could go to the bathroom ALONE. I was surrounded by other girls, and in the group of girls, Sakura and Ino where with them. It wasn't a big surprise because I knew that they liked Sasuke-nii, but I didn't know that they hated me.

"Just because your his sister doesn't mean Sasuke-kun is yours!" One of them said, "Yeah!" The other said in support of what she said.

I just wanted to a break from Sasuke-nii overprotectiveness, but was greeted by annoying fan girls... I let them said whatever they wanted about me.

"I guess monsters like to be with others monsters. You have creepy red eyes, and are friends with the other monster and the weird girl." One of the girls said mockingly.

I lost it. They could say anything about me, but no one insults MY friends. I quickly grabbed the one that said that from the collar.

"Say one more thing about MY friends and I will make sure you know what monsters are for your entire life" I said with a dark tone and dead eyes.

She nodded her head panickly, and I let her fall and she runs towards the other girls.

"This is the same to everyone. Say one bad thing about my friends and you will see a REAL monster, understood?" I said looking at them. They nodded scared and running outside. They never tried to do something to me.
They would ignored me, but I didn't care. They would always tried to get Sasuke-nii to be alone, but he ignored them, and only focused on me.

After the incident, they also tried to tell Sasuke-nii that I was scary, but I obviously played as the innocent one, and Sasuke-nii believed me. This only made Sasuke-nii hated them more. I did felt a little bad about it, but they started it, so too bad.
When Sasuke-nii was sleeping, I would go out and train until I was about to pass out. Sometimes I just went out and hoped for Itachi-nii to come, but of course that never happened.
I am probably at the level of a jonin, but I don't want to be known as the genius Uchiha. Because of my training at night, I would sleep at class, and Iruka-sensei would yell at me and asked me questions. When I answered correctly everything, he would let me. That happen five time until he gave up because I already knew the stuff that he was teaching. During this, Sasuke would let me sleep at his lap, and the fan girls would send glares at me. I just ignored them and slept. Because of my laziness, Shikamaru and me became closer.

One day, I ditched Sasuke-nii, and went to see the clouds. I actually went to wait for Itachi-nii. I was just enjoying the day until someone called me.

"Saki?" Shikamaru called me surprised to see me alone.

"Oh. Hello, Shikamaru!" I greeted him and said, "Can you not tell Sasuke-nii that I am here?" I asked him still sitting down and looking at the sky and clouds.

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