The snake skin started to shatter, and then he came out. He was going after Sasuke-nii, but I got in the way. Even if a little, he was going to struggle getting my Sasuke-nii. I started to attack him, but he dodged every single attack. Orochimaru got bored, and hit me so hard that sent me flying. I coughed blood, and everything went black. My body wasn't strong enough to resist this type of hit. The last thing I remember was Sasuke-nii and Sakura yell my name. I was still weak. I was able to fight a Joinin without problems, but Sannins are really in another level. I had underestimated Orochimaru.
3rd pov
The black hair girl went flying, and coughed blood while braking branches with her body.
"Saki!" A pink hair girl and a black hair boy yelled the girls name.
The boy froze. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't even protect his sister. After that, the woman stretched and was going after the boy, but was stopped by some Shurikens and Kunais that went flying towards her.
"Naruto!" The pink hair girl yelled from relief.
"The password... I forgot!" The blonde hair boy said while looking at the black hair boy.
After a while, the black hair boy was still thinking on what to do, at the end he could only thought of one thing.
"Here. I will give you the scroll, but leave." The black hair boy said to the woman. The woman smirked.
"Sasuke!" The blonde hair boy called him.
The boy ignored him. When the blonde hair boy saw this, he threw himself to the black hair boy and punched him.
"Who are you?! You are not the Sasuke that I know!" The blonde hair boy said to the black hair boy.
The blonde hair boy attacked the woman, but failed. The woman summoned a giant snake and threw the boy away. Then, she was going to attack the black hair boy that was still frozen in his place. Suddenly, the blonde hair boy got in front of the snake and stopped. When the boy looked up, he was different. He no longer had innocent blue eyes, but instead had red eyes that reminded of a demon. The woman stuck her tongue out and grabbed the blonde hair boy with her tongue. She realized who he was. After putting a seal, she threw the boy at the side.
"Are you going to let Naruto's and Saki's fight go in vain? That's not the Sasuke that I know!" The pink hair girl yelled at the black hair boy.
The boy reacted to 'Saki's name. The woman saw this and smiled darkly. The boy activated his Sharingan and went to attack the woman. He first threw some Kunais, and then some Taijutsu. The woman then attacked the boy, to the point that he couldn't get up first. The woman was waiting for him to do something, but was surprised by an explosion behind him. The boy quickly stood up and did some fire jutsus. They didn't work, so he took some threat and trapped the woman to a tree. He then proceeded to set the threat on fire, which caused the woman to get on fire.
The boy was breathing heavily after the great amount of Chakra that he had just used. The pink hair girl asked if he was okay. The boy didn't reply back.
Then the woman freed herself from the threats. She laughed evilly."After all, I do want you." She said while her face was ripped apart and you could see another face. "As expected of his brother."
"Who are you?" The boy asked tiredly.
"I am Orochimaru." The man said looking at the boy. "If you want to see me again. Defeat the three ninja of the sound."
"We will never see you again!" The link hair girl yelled back.

I am Sasuke's twin sister?!?!
FanfictionBe prepared for a very bad and cliche fan fiction. Diana was for the longest time an orphan. When she was old enough, she left the orphanage. While she was in the orphanage, she would always watch her favorite anime, "Naruto." She always felt a con...