S 2. 7

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"You. How else would you explain how you know about Hidan. You haven't seen him fight..." Kakuzu question me.

"Stay out, Kakuzu. They are mine!" Hidan yelled.

"Just don't kill her. The leader wants her."

"Tch! Well, at least I have four sacrifices!"

"You have none." I said while looking at him.

Hidan again tried to injure Asuma-sensei. I blocked his attack by kicking his weapon.

"But can you protect everyone?" Hidan said smirking.

He can then tried to attack where Shikamaru was. I teleported, and stopped his attack.

"Tch! You are annoying!"

"I told you. You are not doing any rituals." I said, and now I had to activate my Sharingan and use my future foresee powers.

I blocked and stopped every attack he made. I was about to teleport again, when Kakuzu intervene and hit me with his knee. It made me cough blood.

"I could handle her!" Hidan said to Kakuzu.

"It didn't seem like that to me." Kakuzu grabbed my neck. "You do see the future. There's no way you could teleport, and get it right every single time." He said while applying force to my neck.

"Saki!" They yelled.

"Stay focus! Don't get injured!" I yelled back barely because I couldn't breath right.

I was running out of Chakra. Teleporting take some, and because I have been doing it none stop. I gather some Chakra that was left in my feet. When it was done, I kicked him, it made him let go my neck. Then, a bunch of crows began to surround Hidan, and Kakuzu. Hidan tried to make them go by shining his weapon around, but didn't succeed. Kakuzu tried to get me with his arm, but I avoid it. I already knew what he was trying to do.

"What?! We are just going to finished the off, and go!" Hidan yelled.

He is talking with Pain now.

"No. The little girl seems to be able to see things..." Hidan said. "I haven't sacrificed anyone yet!"

"Seems like you two have to go, eh?" I said to them smirking tiredly.

"Tch! We are going to come back! Stay here!" That was the last thing that Hidan said before disappearing.


Was the last thing that I heard before I collapsed. Not only I had wasted almost all my Chakra, but Kakuzu decided to hurt me physically. My body couldn't take it, and I fainted.

I was in a dark room for a second, then the next I was in the place where Itachi-nii and Sasuke-nii would fight. I saw them fight, but like always. I couldn't move or say anything. It was like I didn't exist... Maybe this is a reminder that I don't belong here... I may not belong here, but I am still going to fight for the people I hold dear! Even if that's the last thing I do! I am not going to let my family and friends suffer! That's a life promise!

When I opened my eyes up, I was in a white room. The hospital, but it was still dark outside. Wait, how many days have I been sleeping? I look at the future, and seems like Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino are just about to go. It seems like Shikamaru realize that Asuma-sensei was supposed to die there, but I changed it. They wanted to thank me by defending them. There's was just a tiny problem. Shikamaru didn't saw the fight, so he doesn't know about them. It's seems that I am not too late. Tsunade-sama just stopped them. Well, I need to get ready.
I get my weapons, and my clothes. I teleported to the entrance.

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