S 2. 16

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Saki's pov

I woke up, and Yukimaru was asleep beside me. I stood up, and put Yukimaru in the bed more comfortable. The other three were sleeping in the sofa and the floor... I went to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for everyone. I set the table, and went to wake them up.

"Yukimaru. Wake up, I made breakfast." I said to him.

Yukimaru heard my voice, and opened his eyes. He smiled when he saw me, and I smiled back.

"Good morning, Saki-nee." Yukimaru said happy.

"Good morning, now wake up, and wash you face and teeth. We are going to eat." I told him with a smile.

I went to the living room and woke the three up. The were tired, but didn't want to show it. We ate breakfast and they wanted to clean up, so I let them. I went to look for the things that I was going to need. After a while, we were ready to go.

"But you still haven't told us what we are going to do." Kakashi-sensei said confused, and everyone agreed in silence.

"Oh. Um... Yeah... About that... You don't have to worry about it now." I said avoiding their eyes.

"Saki..." Itachi-nii called my name.

"Yes?" I asked with a smile.

"Don't you dare go kill Danzo in your own. Do you understand?" Itachi-nii warned me.

I avoided his eyes, and remained silent.

"Saki." Itachi-nii called my name for a response.

"Yeah, yeah. I understand." I said finally looking at his eyes.

"Good." He said back.

I said I understood, I never said that I wasn't going to kill Danzo...

I teleported everyone back to Tsunade-sama's office.

"Saki..." Tsunade-sama called my name not believing what she was seeing.

"Good morning, Tsunade-sama." I said while giving her a bright smile.

"You were able to..." Tsunade-sama said to the others without being able to finish because of the shock.

They nodded.

She stood up, and walked towards me. She then hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Never scare me like that." Tsunade-sama said to me while finally letting me go.

I nodded while smiling. Tsunade-sama was my teacher, but she would treat me like a granddaughter also.

"So, you want all the teachers that had Genin groups here? Now?" Tsunade-sama asked me again.

After talking a little bit, I proceeded to bring my plans to work now. But before that I needed their help.

"Yes. We need to get ready." I said to her.

She nodded, and called an ANBU. After fifteen minutes, they arrived. Asuma-sensei, Kurenai-sensei, Guy-sensei, and we also had Jiraya-sama.

"What? I though you were dead. There are rumors about it." Asuma-sensei said when he saw Jiraya-sama.

"Have you heard about my brothers fight?" I asked him.

"Fight?" Asuma-sensei asked confused.

He saw who else where there, and then froze when he saw my brothers. Then, Kurenai-sensei and Guy-sensei looked at that direction. Everyone stopped talking and just looked at my brothers direction. No one knew what to do.

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