S 2. 1

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Four years had passed, and I am 16 years old. I had to cut my hair because while I was on a mission someone cut some of my hair. They obviously didn't live. Haku did send me letters some times. I got closer to my friends because there wasn't an overprotective brother behind me all the time. I still miss Sasuke-nii and Itachi-nii.
Tsunade-sama can now put some of my powers to the public, so I am a Joinnin. I also decided to tell my friends about my powers. Except for Naruto. Naruto couldn't know about me because he doesn't know how to act. He would give up too much information, and I need the story to remain the same for the most part. I made Tsunade-sama gather everyone in the office. Neji, Tenten, Lee, Shikamaru, Ino, Choiji, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, and Sakura. I hide until everyone came in. Once they did, I performed my Time Stopping Jutsu. Everyone went in a fighting position, and protected Tsunade-sama. I felt proud. Everyone was stronger than before. Their efforts weren't in vain.

"Guys, it's me." I said while coming out.

"Saki?" Everyone said in confusion, and relaxed.

"First. I want to apologize to everyone." I said and bowed to them. They didn't said anything and let me talk. "I will really appreciate if you didn't interrupt me until I finish."

"What's wrong, Saki?" Hinata asked me concerned.

"Umm... I can see the future, and past. I-" I said and some had to interrupt me.

"Hahaha! That's a good joke, Saki." Kiba said while everyone was laughing.

"When you were 9 years old, you still slept with your mother, and at you-" Kiba covered my mouth.

"I believe you. Don't say anything else, please." Kiba begged me.

"Kiba what?" Sakura asked curiously.

"Sorry, he doesn't want you all to know." I said shrugging.

"How do we know that you can see the future?" Ino asked me.

"Naruto is coming tomorrow!" I said and everyone was happy.

"Wait. That time when you told me that she would use Genjutsu at the end. Did you..." Shikamaru asked me.

"Yeah, I knew about it."

"If you knew everything, then you knew what would happen to Sasuke and didn't said or did anything?" Sakura said in a whisper, but everyone heard.

Everyone waited for my answer, and Sakura looked hurted.

"I was strong, but I wasn't in Sannin level. I could have prevented Sasuke-nii from going, but-" Sakura interrupt me.

"YOU COULD HAD PREVENTED, BUT DIDN'T?" Sakura yelled at me.

"Let's let her finish, alright?" Hinata said to calm Sakura down.

"I would have lost all my family. Sasuke-nii would have died, Itachi-nii would have also died, and..."

"And?..." Neji encouraged me to continued.

"I would have committed suicide." When I said this, everyone stood quiet. "I do admit that it was selfish from my part, but when I decided to let Sasuke-nii go. They live. I couldn't kill my only family..." I said quietly.

"I am sorry for yelling..." Sakura apologized.

"It's alright. I am now strong, and I am not going to let anyone close to me die." I said while looking at them.

"Who is supposed to die?" Tenten asked me. Everyone waited me to answer.


"It's alright if you don't want to say it."

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