Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Jungkook was about six cups of beer and too many shots to be sure about the amount into his evening when he spotted Taehyung. He wasn't one hundred percent sure it was Taehyung, but judging from the dyed ash blonde hair and the way he was built, with long legs and wide shoulders it was.

He was standing in the corner, rather far off from where most people had gathered, making out with a guy who was just a bit shorter than him. Thin but muscular... judging by the way his hands moved over Taehyung's shoulders, confident and with certainty, he also was an alpha. Jungkook couldn't see their faces from where he was standing but for some reason he couldn't get himself to avert his gaze.

Something about watching two alphas make out was fascinating to him. Not that he wanted to try it, it was simply something you hardly ever saw out in the open like that. Sure, there probably was porn for it because there was porn for everything, but Jungkook had never had the urge to search for any of that.

Nevertheless he couldn't look away when Taehyung pressed the boy against the wall, half devouring him as they kissed. For a moment it felt like they were going to undress right then and there, but then they seperated. Taehyung said something Jungkook couldn't hear, the boy nodded and then they disappeared upstairs.

Jungkook watched them with an odd feeling in his chest. Probably because he wanted to keep watching what was going to happen next. That had to be it. Mere curiosity.

He took another sip from his drink... maybe he could follow them. Just find out where they had gone.

Jimin had left him anyways and it wasn't like the night was even close to being over. He found himself getting up from his seat and following the two, ignoring the fact that the room around him almost seemed to spin.

The next thing Jungkook remembered was that soft, familiar wooden scent. Tiredly he moved closer to the source. He must have fallen asleep at Jimin's place. Hot skin touched his and Jungkook cuddled closer... until he realized that the body in front of him couldn't possibly be Jimin. Too big, too muscular. The scent was too intense.

And then he opened his eyes and time seemed to freeze. Right in front of him was ashen hair, long lashes and soft lips... Taehyung. Jungkook's heart started racing in his chest as he stared at the naked... naked! boy in front of him. Taehyung's shoulders and chest were covered in bite marks and hickeys. Jungkook couldn't see farther than that though because there was a blanket loosely thrown over both of their bodies.

Jungkook found himself staring for a couple of seconds. He couldn't take his eyes away from Taehyung, who was still peacefully sleeping in front of him.

"What..." He quickly lifted his blanket, realizing he was only wearing his underwear. Just like Taehyung's, his whole body was covered in hickeys. He could feel heat rush to his face... it was incredibly shameful for an alpha to let himself be marked up. Especially in visible places. Jungkook's whole chest was covered in hickeys and he was fucking certain they were all over his neck too.

He quickly climbed out of the bed. He had no fucking clue what had happened... how he had ended up here, but this was certainly not his room and he really didn't want to know why he and Taehyung had been basically naked and in one bed and oh god...

Jungkook brought his hand down to his ass. He didn't feel any pain... he was good.

"Wow, you're in a haste to get out of here." He could hear Taehyung chuckle from the bed while sitting up, the sheets slipping down and revealing that, just like Jungkook, he was in his underwear. A real fucking relief if anyone had asked Jungkook. He really had no urge to see Taehyung's dick... no matter how well defined his body looked as he was sitting there. Taehyung was hot, not even Jungkook could deny that, but he really just didn't like the boy.

"What happened? Did we hook up?" Jungkook quickly gathered his tank top from the ground, suddenly very unhappy about the fact that it was so revealing. His and Taehyung's clothes were all over the floor... god, they really had hooked up, hadn't they?

Jungkook couldn't recall any of it and his ass didn't hurt so that would mean that Taehyung had... wow, he really couldn't imagine that at all.

Taehyung on the bed lifted his eyebrow, mustering Jungkook up and down. "Did we hook up?" Then a smile tugged at his lips. He looked so cheeky like that, sitting there half naked, completely covered in hickeys and seemingly not bothered by it at all. "Sure we did."

There it was. The confirmation. Jungkook had gotten blackout drunk and hooked up with Kim Taehyung out of all people. When he though back to the day before he could vaguely remember following Taehyung to his room... and then they had talked. He wasn't sure when or about what but he vaguely remembered talking to Taehyung.

And then somehow, someway they had apparently hooked up. Jungkook really must have been fucking wasted.

"Great, one more thing to add to the list of terrible decisions I made." Jungkook slipped into his pants, searching for his shoes on the floor.

"In the trash can." Taehyung, who still looked way too goddamn amused, pointed across the room at a small trash bin that was luckily mainly used for paper by the looks of it.

"Thank you." Jungkook grumbled. He had no clue how they had ended up in there, but he wasn't going to ask. He just wanted to get out of there. Away from Taehyung, who was still grinning.


Probably going to upload another chapter today!

Because I love you guys😖💜

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