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Yeah... things had been... quite different from what he had thought. Mina had just finished telling about how everything had gone well with the taxi. That luckily her parents hadn't heard her... But Jungkook was somewhere entirely else with his head.

Because suddenly he felt different about the hickeys on his neck. Really different. Still a bit weird about showing them off, but they weren't the leftovers from a sad accidental one night stand. He and Taehyung hadn't hooked up.

Suddenly he had the strong urge to call Jimin. Call him and ask for Taehyung's phone number since they really had to talk. God, Jungkook kind of wanted to hear Taehyung's voice. Just that.

He and Mina exchanged numbers before he quickly excused himself, saying he just remembered some things he had to talk to Taehyung about. Well, it wasn't a lie at least. It just wasn't that simple either.

He grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed Jimin's number. His best friend picked up on second ring.

"Jk. What do you need?" Wow, did he really call Jimin so rarely that Jimin just knew he needed something?

"Is Taehyung at your place right now?"

"Yeah, sorry, he is. Why? Did something happen? Should I come over?" Jimin sounded worried, but Jungkook quickly reassured him that everything was alright.

"Nothing happened. I just need to talk to Taehyung."

"Taehyung?" This time Jimin sounded confused. "What would you need from Taehyung?"

Jungkook chuckled. "Long story. Don't tell him I'm coming over... Gonna be there in twenty."

With that he ended the call, jogging down the street. There was something he had to do... and part of him still had quite the issue with it, but he wanted to and he needed to. Because it really was time for him to swallow his fucking pride just for once.

Jimin was the one who opened the door, telling him that Taehyung was in his room. Jungkook thanked him before asking Jimin to do something else while he talked to Taehyung. The omega did look a bit worried but in the end went back to the living room to continue watching TV.

Jungkook knew which room was Taehyung's even though he had never been inside before. When he opened the door the familiar scent of woods and moss washed over him. The room was just as he had imagined it. Comfortable, somewhat dark in design with a lot of brown and black shades, but it still felt warm in a weird way.

Taehyung was lying on his bed, reading. When he looked up to find Jungkook standing there he seemed surprised.

"Jungkook... that's surprising." He sat up, putting the book away.

For a second Jungkook felt that familiar spike of anxiety, the one he was used to getting whenever he saw Taehyung. His wolf panicking because there was a bigger, stronger wolf in front of him. But Jungkook ignored it, instead hesitantly stepping into the room. "Yeah, was surprising for me, too."

Taehyung looked amused as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "What do you need?"

Jungkook took a deep breath before exhaling again. His alpha protested, but he simply chose to ignore it. "I need to apologize."

Taehyung raised both eyebrows before a knowing smile played at his lips. So he did remember. Jungkook wasn't surprised. Taehyung hadn't seemed nearly as wasted as he had been. "Oh really. What do you need to apologize for?"

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