Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Jungkook spent most of the next year making new friends around campus, having Jimin over, which had somehow turned into a weekly thing, and sometimes going out to party, hooking up with some random girls he only vaguely remembered the names of after.

He really did his best at avoiding Taehyung because just seeing the alpha could ruin his day. He really didn't know why... but just getting a glimpse of his self confident stride pissed Jungkook off to no avail. But avoiding him wasn't that easy. The alpha was a social butterfly, seemingly everywhere at the same time. In addition to that he had started hanging around at the places Jimin and consequently also Jungkook frequented.

Nevertheless they hardly talked. The few times they did Jimin and some of Taehyung's friends had to distract both of them. At least Jungkook seemed to have just the same effect on Taehyung. It gave him some satisfaction at least. That he riled Taehyung up just as much.

"Is that really not too much?" Jungkook asked Jimin, who was zipping around the room while also doing his makeup at the same time. He had no clue how, but for some reason the boy managed.

"It's perfect."

Jungkook looked down at his ripped jeans, the fishnet tights showing through the gigantic holes on his thighs, and the almost see through black tank top he was wearing. He had dared mention that he liked Jimin's style and kind of wanted to try dressing like that once even though it was pretty alpha atypical and now Jimin had really taken the challenge to doll up Jungkook as much as he could. He'd even gotten a huge number of bracelets and a necklace Jimin had insisted completed the style.

"I look like a stripper."

"As I said, it's perfect." Jimin giggled, moving around the room, the soft scent of moss following him. Jungkook was kind of in denial about the fact that it was Taehyung's scent he liked so much. He just couldn't stand the idea of liking anything about Taehyung.

He wasn't going to give Taehyung the satisfaction of liking his scent. There was no way.

"I'm still not sure. You think I'll get people to hook up with me by flashing my nipples at everyone?" He pointed at his very visible nipples under his t-shirt. Most of his body was covered, but he felt even more naked than he did when he was actually naked.

"Stop complaining and let me do your makeup."

Jungkook instantly shook his head. "Nope, not gonna happen. Don't you dare..."

In the end it did happen. At least Jimin compromised and didn't do much. Just made sure his eyes were more defined. For the look, he said.

Some part of Jungkook genuinely liked the way he looked as he and Jimin stepped out of the taxi, but some other part also felt anxious about what everyone else at the houseparty would think. He wasn't dressed like an alpha right now and even though he liked the aesthetic it made him a tiny bit nervous.

But that worry quickly went out the window when they squeezed through the door, past a couple of people chatting right behind the entrance and then into the main area. Jungkook quickly noticed quite a few people staring at him. But the more he looked around the more he realized that the attention was positive not negative.

This had to be what Jimin felt like all the time. With alphas staring at his ass, something they would never get to touch.

Jungkook genuinely liked the attention. Maybe he wouldn't be as well received if he dared to shop at a conservative supermarked, but here at the houseparty with just a bunch of horny, drunk university students most people who stared were staring with want.

Jimin next to him grinned. "You look content. Glad you're back to being yourself, not the nervous wreck from the drive here."

"Shut up." Jungkook punched Jimin's shoulder and the omega gasped, bringing his hand up to his dangerously wounded arm. "How dare you? You're an alpha and you actually hit an omega!"

"Stop being a drama queen and let's get something to drink."



I messed up with posting earlier... but this is the right chapter... also this story is so funny with how I separated the chapters wordcount wise


Literally the last chapters😂

Look forward to those...

I will be uploading another chapter or two today!!!

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