Chapter Three

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Phoenix wakes the next morning to Harry stroking her hair. "Morning." she says smiling at him. "Morning." he smiles back giving her nose a kiss. Suddenly they have a small furry creature land on them. "Hello Jack." Harry chuckles as Phoenix sits up. The monkey chirps and jumps onto Phoenix's shoulder before playing with her hair. Phoenix chuckles "Go to Harry while I get dressed." she tells Jack who does so. Getting up Phoenix goes to her bag and pulls out her clothes she packed, pulling off Harry's tshirt she puts her clothes on.

She turns to Harry to find him playing with Jack on the bed

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She turns to Harry to find him playing with Jack on the bed. Smiling she leans against the wall watching them both. "What?" Harry asks realising she's watching them. "Just watching two of my favourite boys." she smiles. "Who are the others?" Harry asks. "Father, Henry, Ben, Killian, Uncle Jack and Gil." Harry smiles at the fact his Father is included. He sits up and pulls Phoenix to him by her waist. She smiles and runs her hands through his hair. Leaning down she kisses him making him fall backwards so he's lieing down with her chest to chest. They pull away and smile at each other "Come on Hare get dressed I'm hungry." Phoenix tells him rolling off him. Harry groans but gets up and dressed into his usual attire.

Harry holds Phoenix's hand as they walk out onto the deck. They spot CJ and Emma by the steps for below deck. "Mum? CJ? What's up?" Harry asks. "Can you help your Father. He can't bring this box up from below deck." Emma asks her son rolling her eyes. Harry chuckles and goes down to help his Father. Phoenix stands with Emma and CJ "Where's Harriet?" she asks. "She went to her ship to see her crew." CJ tells her making Phoenix nod. Emma smiles at the girl "I'm glad you and Harry finally got together. You deserve each other, you make each other happy. He loves you, I can see it in his eyes." Emma tells her making Phoenix blush. Just when she's about to respond Harry and Killian come above deck carrying a big box. "What's even in this thing?" Harry asks. "It's all the letters I've sent back and forth with your grandparents." Emma tells him. Harry nods "We better get to the chip shop for breakfast. This one's hungry." Harry chuckles.

"We need to stop at home so I can drop my stuff back and give Jack his food." Phoenix tells Harry as they get on the Dock. "Okay Princess." he smiles kissing her head. She blushes as he puts his arm round her shoulders. They climb aboard the Duchman and Jack immeadietly jumps from Phoenix's shoulders to the rigging. She laughs "Jack come on, I got breakfast." she calls up to him. Jack chirps and swings down onto Harry's head. Phoenix laughs and pulls out her phone taking a picture. "Okay I'm posting it." she smiles as she looks at it. Before Harry can complain Phoenix gives him the puppy dog eyes. "Fine." he sighs making her giggle. Phoenix posts the picture before going to her room to drop her stuff off. Harry lies on her bed as she puts her stuff away "Finished?" he asks. "Yep, come on I'm hungry." Phoenix responds pulling him up by his hand.

The duo walk into the chip shop and go over to where Uma and Gil are. "Any news on what Mal is up to?" Phoenix asks her friends. "Not yet. Apparently she's gone there on a mission for her Mother though." Uma tells her. Phoenix rolls her eyes "Of course she has. Being a good little girl and doing what her Mummy tells her." Harry, Uma and Gil laugh. "Well that means that her turf is up for the taking." she adds smiling at her friends. Uma smiles "I forgot, Phoenix you need to come with me quickly." Uma leads her friends out the chip shop handing them each some food as they leave. They arrive at the docks and walk a little longer. "What have you found Uma?" Harry asks getting board of walking. "We're nearly there." Uma tells them. They walk past Uma's ship and over a nearby hill. As they get to the top Phoenix looks wide eyed. "But that's..." she trails off and starts running down to the beach. The other three follow her "Phoenix? Uma? What is this?" Harry asks them as they reach the beach. "This is a baby Kraken." Phoenix tells him.

She goes over to it and gently places her hand on it

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She goes over to it and gently places her hand on it. "Gil, go and get my Father and Henry. Tell them to bring cloths." she says. "Harry get those buckets and fill them with water." Phoenix looks at Uma "She's still alive. Help me calm her." "How?" Uma asks. "Make your hands wet and gently stroke her." Uma does so and Phoenix gently talks to the animal. Harry walks over with the buckets "Here you go." he tells them. Phoenix smiles "Start gently pouring it over her." she tells him. Gil comes back with Henry and her Father "Woah." Henry says amazed. William goes I've to his daughter "She's still alive Dad. We need to help her." Phoenix tells him. He nods "Henry wet the cloths and lay them next to her." he tells his son. Henry nods and goes to the shore to wet the cloths. "We'll take her to the ship. We've got that inclosed area by the Duchman. We'll put her there til she is well enough to leave." He says turning to his daughter. Phoenix nods as Henry comes back over to them, she helps him and Harry lay out the cloth as Uma strokes her gently. They all help move her onto the cloth and carry her to the Duchman.

Once on board Phoenix goes below deck and pulls a lever, which will cause the ship to sink down so that the deck is level with the water. She rushes back up on deck and over to the baby animal. "How is she?" she asks her brother. "She keep moving her tentacles to feel everything so thats a good sign." he tells her pulling her into a side hug. Phoenix takes off her boots and socks and puts them where they won't get wet. "Guys you'll want to go do the same, it's about to get a bit wet." she tells her friends with a smile. They nod and take off there shoes and sock before rolling up their trouser legs. The boat starts moving down and soon the deck is flooded with water. Phoenix crouches down and gently pours some of the water over the baby animal. The baby Kraken starts splashing in the water gently with her tentacles while making small noises. Phoenix chuckles and starts splashing gently with her. Harry watches smiling at Phoenix before he crouches down next to her and the baby. The Kraken makes a soft noise and strokes Phoenix's arm softly. "Hey girl. Your alright now." Phoenix tells her while gently stroking her tentacle. She looks at Harry and smiles grabbing his hand "What are you doing?" he asks her. "Trust me." she smiles putting his hand onto the babies tentacle. The baby coos and wraps her tentacle gently round his hand making him chuckle. William walks over to them. "She's very small. She must have been abandoned by her family." he tells them. Phoenix nods "Father can we keep her in the enclosed area til she is big enough to go out on her own?" she asks him. "Only until she's ready. If she bonds with you she might never leave you." he chuckles making Phoenix smile. Uma moves so she's sat next to Phoenix and the baby. "You need to name her." she tells her friend. "Amphitrite. In Greek mythology she is the goddess of the sea, wife of the god Poseidon." Phoenix says. The baby coos and waves her tentacles "You like it girl. Well then it's definitely your name now." Phoenix chuckles stroking her tentacles.

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