Chapter Ten

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The next day Phoenix walks on deck to find Harry trying to catch Jack the Monkey, who has stolen his hook

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The next day Phoenix walks on deck to find Harry trying to catch Jack the Monkey, who has stolen his hook. Laughing she whistles making Jack run over and hand her the hook. Harry pouts and walks over "I've been trying to get it off him for nearly an hour. He nicked it when I was getting dressed." Harry tells her as she hands it back to him. Phoenix looks at Jack "Say sorry." she tells him. Jack chirps and jumps onto Harry's shoulder, putting his head onto Harry's. Emma walks over to them "Got it back then." she chuckles. "Nix got it back just by whistling." Harry tells his mum, making her chuckle more. Phoenix's phone rings making her pull it out to see Ben calling her. Sighing she'd answers "Hey Ben." she greets. "Hey Phoenix, a car is coming to pick you, Harry, Gil, Uncle Will, Henry and Carina." he tells her. "Why?" she asks. "It's been three months." he explains. "Fine but I'm bringing Harry's family. Emma hasn't seen her parents in years." Phoenix retorts. "Okay, I'll send another car to fit you all. I also have some news to tells you later. See you in an hour." Ben tells her before hanging up. Phoenix puts her phone away and turns to Emma. "Go tell Killian, Harriet and CJ to get ready. You're coming to Auradon with us for the day." she tells her. Emma smiles and hugs her "Thank you Phoenix." she tells her.

An hour later the Turner and Jones Family's stand with Gil and Carina waiting for the cars to arrive. When they do the teens get in one with Jack the Monkey as the parents, Henry, Carina and Harriet in the other. CJ sits next to Phoenix a little unsure of the car. "Cee it's fine. The car is completely safe, I promise. Here try these they're called haribos, they're a type of sweet." Phoenix tells the youngest Jones. CJ nods and starts eating the sweets looking happy as she looks at the other foods in the car. Harry smiles at his sister and wraps his arm round Phoenix's shoulder, kissing her temple.

When the cars arrive outside Elizabeth's house Phoenix sees that her Mother is stood outside with Ben, his parents, Snow and David (Emma's Parents), Henry (Emma's Eldest Son), Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos. Her hands shake slightly making Harry hold them is his. She looks at him and kisses his cheek gently. They jump out the car and Phoenix is immediately attacked by Snicker (See Chapter Two). "Down Snicker, I've missed you too." she laughs before getting up as Gil is knocked over by her dog. Phoenix holds Harry's hand as they walk over to everyone. Emma immediately hugs her eldest son followed by her parents. Harry looks over at Phoenix slightly afraid. She smiles reassuringly and pulls him over to his family. Killian chuckles as he watches her drag Harry over with Gil following behind. "You stay here mister. I'm going to talk to my family." Phoenix tells Harry. He nods and kisses her head before she walks over and stands by Henry and Carina.

"It's going to be fine. If you don't want to live here I'm not going to let them make you." Henry tells his sister. Phoenix nods and holds his arm in comfort. Will starts talking to Elizabeth and Ben's parents with Carina as Ben and the other VK's walk over to Phoenix and Will. "Phoe Phoe." Ben greets making Phoenix smile shyly. Ben picks up on it and looks at Henry "What's happening Aunt Elizabeth and my parents aren't telling me?" he asks. "Mother is trying to get Phoenix to move here but she doesn't want to." Henry explains making Ben nod in understanding. "Why don't you want to move over here?" Evie asks softly. "Because the Isle is my home. Everything I want and need is there." Phoenix tells them. "But if you move here you'll be with your Mother and family." Mal points out making Phoenix roll her eyes "Except Father, Henry, Carnia, Harry, Gil, Harriet, CJ, Emma, Killian, Uncle Jack and the twins are on the Isle. Besides I can't leave the crew or Amphitrite, she's only a baby." Phoenix lists. "Wait who's Amphitrite?" Jay asks. "She's a baby Kraken we saved. She sees Phoenix as her mother." Henry tells him. Jack the Monkey chirps making everyone look at him "Hang on this is the Monkey that stole from me. You three wouldn't believe me." Jay realises. "Wait the Monkey is a thief?" Mal asks. "His name is Jack and yes he's a very good one at that." Phoenix tells them happily as she strokes Jack's head.

Harry wraps his arms round Phoenix's waist from behind and puts his chin on her head. Phoenix smiles and turns to look at him "Hey baby." she smiles. "Hey Grandma and Grandpa want to meet you. So does my brother." Harry tells her. She nods and turns to the others "Excuse me a moment." she smiles before letting Harry lead her away. They stand by Emma making her smile and nod to Harry. "Grandma, Grandpa, Henry. This is my girlfriend Phoenix. Nix, these are my grandparents and older brother." Harry introduces. Phoenix shakes their hands "It's a pleasure to finally meet you all" she tells them smiling. "It's lovely to meet you too Phoenix." Snow tells her. Harry smiles and kisses Phoenix's head once again as Will calls his daughter over. "Phoenix." he calls over making her sigh. "I'll be back in a minute." she tells them. Emma squeezes her hand slightly as she walks past making Phoenix give her a small smile. Phoenix walks over and stands by her brother and Ben in. Carina walks over to to Harriet and the four VK's stand off to the side as Elizabeth starts talking. "Phoenix I want you to move away from the Isle and over here." she tells her daughter. "Not happening. I have everything I want on the Isle, I'm not moving, not without them." Phoenix retorts. Elizabeth looks over to Belle "Phoenix, your Mother just wants what's best for you." she tells her niece. "I'd she wants what's best for me she wouldn't want to move me away from the Isle. She wouldn't have ignored me for months. She also wouldn't be moving me away from the boy I love." Phoenix says getting louder and louder before running into the garden.

Once in the garden she runs over to her tree house and climbs up. She sits there til she hears movement in the tree below her. Suddenly Harry appears and climbs inside with Jack on his shoulder. "Why is there a boat in a tree?" he asks her. "Been here has long as I can remember." she shrugs playing with the hole in her jeans. "Did you mean it?" Harry asks. "What?" Phoenix asks. "That you love me?" Harry asks with his ears going slightly red. She smiles and turns his head so he's looking at her. "Harry, of course I love you. I've loved you since we were kids." she tells him. "Really?" he asks. "Yes." she confirms. "I love you too." Harry tells her before kissing her. "Hang on how did you find me?" Phoenix asks as they pull away. "Your brother told me." Harry grins kissing her again.

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