Chapter Six

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Harry and Phoenix head to Curl Up and Dye first to stop by Dizzy. "Hey Dizz." Phoenix smiles as they walk in. "Hey guys. Here, this in my Grammy's money from the week so far." Dizzy says handing Harry the money. "Thanks Dizzy. Also remember anyone gives you trouble tell Jack to come and get me when he comes by." Phoenix smiles as the monkey jumps onto the till. "I will." Dizzy laughs stroking Jack. As they turn to leave a voice calls them back. "Still running errands for Uma, or do you actually get to keep what you steal?" They turn to see Mal with new purple hair. Phoenix goes to attack but Harry hold her hand. "Well, well, well. What a nice surprise." Harry says. "Hi, Harry, Phoenix." Mal greets. "Just wait until Uma hears you're back. She's never gonna give you back your old territory." Harry tells her. "Oh, well, that's okay. Because I will be taking it." Mal smiles sweetly. "I'm your dreams. You may have been able to magic your way into my cousins life, but no way in hell are you getting your old territory back." Phoenix glares at her. "I could hurt you." Harry adds. "Not without her permission, I bet." Mal says putting her gum on Harry's hook. Phoenix pulls it off and throws it at Mal. She smiles at Dizzy before walking out with Harry.

"Who does she think she is?" Phoenix rants as they head back to the chip shop to tell Uma that Mal is back. "Ugh. Why did she come back? She has everything in Auradon including my family, now she comes back and thinks she came take back our territory." she carries on. Harry grabs her hand and spins her so she is facing him. "Phoenix breath. Calm, we'll sort this all out." he tells her before kissing her forehead. "Now let's go tell Uma that she's here." he adds holding her hand. They walk into the chip shop and go over to Uma. "What are you guys doing back so early?" she asks. "Well we have some news." Harry tells her. "What?" "Mal is back on the Isle and she wants her territory back." Phoenix says clenching her fists. Uma goes to talk but Gil comes running in. "Uma you'll never guess who I've just seen. Jay, Carlos and Evie. Guess who they were with. Ben." he splurts out quickly. Phoenix drops the drink she was holding.

Storming onto the Duchman Phoenix slams the door to her bedroom. She starts throwing stuff round her room while screaming every now and then. As she stops the door opens and she falls to the floor crying. "Phoe?" Henry asks softly. He notices her on the floor and goes over to her sitting next to her. "Hey what's happened?" he asks sitting her on his lap and hugging her. "Mal is back on the Isle and Ben's come after her. All the time she was in Auradon he never once called and now he's on the Isle looking for her." she cries into her brothers top. Henry strokes her back softly "Hey you find our cousin and show him what he's missing by not talking to you." Henry tells her as she calms. "Thanks Hen, you're the best big brother I could have." she tells him as they get up. She kisses him on the cheek "Get Carina I need her help choosing an outfit." she tells him. "Okay okay I get it." he laughs walking out her room.

Phoenix walks back into the chip shop and spots Ben in the back corner between Hayy and Gil, with Uma talking to him

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Phoenix walks back into the chip shop and spots Ben in the back corner between Hayy and Gil, with Uma talking to him. As she walks over Harry smiles. "Hey Benny how's Auradon? Haven't spoken in... oh in two months." Phoenix says sarcastically. "Phoe Phoe?" he asks. "Oh now you remember me." she says before turning to Uma. "Nearly noon." she comments. Uma nods and turns to the boys "Harry, Gil, take him to the ship." she tells them. The boys nod and take Ben to Uma's ship, Harry giving Phoenix a kiss as he passes. Phoenix sits while Uma serves a customer. "Hey! I wanted the fried clams." they complain as Uma gives them a plate of food. "And I wanted a sea pony. Life ain't fair!" Uma exclaims. The doors bang open to reveal Mal. "I'm back." she sings with a smirk. "Loser, party of one. Right this way, please." Phoenix says kicking a chair at her. "Place still stinks." Mal comments. "Oh, I'm sorry. We're down a butler today Princess." Uma says sitting down next to Phoenix. "Where is he?" Mal asks. "You know, I've dreamed of this. You wanting something from me, and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook." Uma smirks. "I'm so flattered that you dream of me. I haven't given you a thought since I left." Mal responds. "Obviously. You have your perfect, little life, don't you? Doesn't she have the perfect, little life?" Uma asks her crew making them jeer. "And we're 20 years into a garbage strike." she adds straight after.

"Listen, if you have some kind of score to settle with me, game on. I see no need to bring Ben into this." Mal says. "It may be a little unnecessary for Uma but not me. You see he is my cousin and when you went over to Auradon I heard nothing from him, my Mother, my Aunt or my Uncle. Non of them. They been too busy dealing with you and your little friends." Phoenix spurts out glaring. "Here's the deal." Uma starts. "Just like your mother always a catch." Mal cuts in. "If you win... Ben is free to go." Uma says putting her arm onto the table. "Hmm?" "Don't you want to know what I get if I win?" Uma asks. "Still dreaming." Mal retorts. "Mm. Last time I checked, your mother thought she had things all sewn up, too, huh? How'd that work out for her again? On three." Uma says. "One" "Two." "Three." they say the last in unison. "You know, that whole princess act? Ugh. Never bought it for a second." Uma tells Mal. "You can stick a tiara on a villain." Phoenix starts. "But you're still a villain." Uma finishes. "And you can slap a pirate hat on, but you're still Shrimpy." Mal tells Uma making her waver. Phoenix glares as Mal's eyes start glowing green. "If Uma wins you bring us the wand." Phoenix says making Mal loose concentration and Uma win. The crew cheers "Now... if you want beasty boy back, bring me Fairy Godmother's magic wand to my ship tomorrow at 12:00 noon... sharp." Uma tells Mal who starts towards the door. "Oh, and if you blab... you can kiss your baby goodbye." Uma adds as Mal walks out.

Phoenix walks onto Uma's ship with their arms linked. Harry smiles "There's my girl." he cheers. "Hey baby." she smiles pecking his lips. Ben smiles at them "You guys are cute." he tells them. "Ben just because you're here doesn't mean you can act like that to me. You haven't spoken to me since I saw you in Auradon. You didn't call me back anytime I called, my Mother isn't talking to me and neither are your parents. Want to explain or try and defend yourself?" Phoenix asks her cousin. "Phoenix... I don't know what to say. Everything has been so hectic, I've had to asks my parents and your Mum to help me with everything. I never realised what that would mean with you." he tells her. "Well thats adorable. But definitely not enough." Phoenix tells him walking off.

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