Little Bird

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Prompt: Accidentally proclaiming your love for someone through twitter...

Situation: Eddie is crushing on Narrator. He finds a tweet from Narrator talking about his crush...

Word Count: 427

Eddie was browsing through twitter- more specifically, Narrator's twitter. Eddie smiled as he looked through Narrator's posts. Thoughts of how beautiful Narrator was rushed in his head. He felt like a teenage girl with her first crush, goddammit. He saw an old post: 'I wish I knew what other people really thought of me, you know.' Eddie smiled, Then you'd know how much I love you. He got a twitter notification saying Narrator posted; Eddie giddy scrolled back up to refresh the page to see a very long tweet.

'I'm deeply in love with this person.'

He frowned and sat up at the first sentence he read. Eddie continued to read the post out loud, "I'm deeply in love with this person. He's a good friend of mine and a wonderful person. I swear they fill my life with so much joy. I swear I could listen to him speak all day. He's the person I want to hear the first thing I wake up. He's the one, I know it. I doubt he thinks of me in any other way than a friend. I know we'll never be a thing. it breaks my heart, but I know it's okay. This was just a way to spill my guts out to him without him ever knowing. And if he does read this, just know that I'm in love with you."

Eddie screenshotted the tweet before laying back down in defeat. Narrator has a crush... But who the fuck was it? Eddie really wanted to call Narr, and he found himself dialing Grant as if in autopilot.

Grant picked up, "Hey, Eddie... What's up?"

"I just saw your tweet, dawg, so who's the lucky guy?"

Grant seemed stressed, "You what? How did you... How did you see that?"

"You posted it, pendejo."

"Ah, shit..." Grant said. Great... What's he going to say? 'Oh, you weren't supposed to see that, but I am in love with you.'? That's stupid. "You weren't really supposed to see that. I just posted on the wrong account." Grant filled in, hoping Eddie would drop it.

"Awe, but, dawg, that was so smooth! I gotta know who it's for now! Josh? Gaege? Mully?"

Grant cleared his throat... "I, um..."

"Like, damn, you must be head-over-heels to write something like that."

"It's for you." Grant mumbled.

Eddie smiled, dumbfounded, "Really..."

"Yes... Fuck, you're going to hate me now, huh?"

"What? No!" Eddie jumped, "Shit, no! Grant I'm in love with you too!"

"You... you are?" Grant widened his eyes.

"Head over my fucking heels, Narr."

EddieVR x Narrator One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now