Coffee Addict

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Request by: LeGiT_mEmEs

Prompt: Narrator having a really bad day at work (or just a bad day in general) and immediately goes home. Narrator gets there and Eddie immediately knows somethings up. It just ends up in them cuddling for the rest of the day.

Situation: Narrator and Eddie are out of coffee.   

Word Count: 355

Getting groceries was supposed to be easy, not difficult, but lo and behold Narrator's running on 5 hours of sleep and no coffee. Why go to the grocery store for coffee when he could've just gone to the nearest Starbucks? Starbucks is shit, and he and Eddie were out of coffee for the week.

He greets the cashier as nicely as possible, but his tired state makes him sigh- leaving the cashier somewhat offended by his greeting. She scans the coffee bags and the cream anyway. He pulls out his credit card, and scans it. All done. Now just to get home and make some coff-

"Your card was declined."

Narrator snapped his head up to face the cashier. "What." His voice lowered in pitch and felt packed with anger and distress.

"It... It was...declined. I... I'm sorry." The girl turned to the computer. "You can still pay with cash if you'd like. Again, your total is $15 dollars."

The one time he didn't bring cash.

"It's fine; I'll just put them back."

The girl winced and frowned with pity. "Sorry..."

"Not your fault."

Narrator begrudgingly walked to the shelves and placed the products back before walking out to the car. The drive felt longer than usual after that. Grant walked to his house and was greeted by Eddie who was sprawled out on the sofa watching FOX news.

"Hey, Babe." Eddie grinned and turned his head to Narrator. "Where've you been all morning?"

Narrator sighed before sitting on the couch. "Target."

"Oh, speaking of Target, we're-"

"Out of coffee. I know." Narrator groaned in annoyance.

"Damn, who spat in your coffee."

Grant pouted like a child, "No one because I don't have coffee!"

Eddie offered Narrator a shoulder to lean on. Grant sighed before laying against his husband.

Eddie whispered into his ear. "Would you like to go out for breakfast? There's this new cafe in town. I heard it's good."

"Yes, please." Grant said quietly.

"Great, I'll get ready."



"What did I do to deserve you?" 

Eddie smiled and kissed Narrator's forehead without answering before standing up to get ready.

(A/N: Didn't end up with them cuddle all day exactly, but I threw in some cuddles for you. I hope you enjoyed. (Also, yes, they're husbands))

EddieVR x Narrator One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now