Horror Games

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Prompt: "Hold me I'm scared."

Situation: Eddie makes Narrator play horror vr game with him.

Word Count: 208

"Holy...mother of god!" Narrator leaned down with a shaky breath.

After Eddie finished his freak out- in spanish of course, he noticed Narrator's character crouching on the floor and approached the frightened man. Eddie placed a hand on his back, "You good?" He laughed in spite of himself, "That was quite the jump scare, fool."

Narrator huffed, "Yeah, no; I'm good. Just give me a second- jesus."

Eddie chuckled, "Alright, let me know when you want to hop back in."

Narrator stood up, and the two continued the map. The two were frightened throughout most of the dungeon; they kept close together as their characters traveled.

Soon a very long hallway came up, and Eddie started to curse. "Ai, no no no. Fuck this. Fuck this. Fuck this stupid hallway!"

Narrator started to freak out too, "Uh, uh... Now I'm just waiting for the jump-" He was cut off by something coming out at them, and the two screamed. They grabbed each other, and stayed in each other's arms for a hot minute. Eddie began to laugh, and Narrator tore his headset off. "Okay, okay... I think I'm done."

Eddie removed his, "Alright. I think we had enough today."

Narrator hugged Eddie, "Cuddle time?"

"Hell yes, dawg."

EddieVR x Narrator One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now