Flower Petals Part 2

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Prompt: Hanahaki disease

Situation: Eddie's hanahaki is getting worse, and he plans on telling Grant his feelings.

Word Count: 672

The flowers were becoming a nuisance. Eddie kept a log of the disease's growth, and it was apparent that he was getting worse. The petals became flowers- cherry blossoms, Narr's favorite flower. He began to cough up blood alongside. He had to buy and inhale that specialized in hanahaki disease because the petals would catch his breath.

He went to the doctors multiple occasions, but most of them told him to have surgery to remove the disease. Eddie couldn't do that because a: that shit's expensive and b: He understood that his feelings for Grant could be extinguished forever. And Eddie didn't want to lose that.

They, Eddie and Grant, planned to go to PAX, and Eddie saw it as the perfect opportunity to tell Grant.


Eddie's head turned to see Grant waving him down. Eddie waved back, and coughed into the mask he was wearing.

Grant walked over. "Hey, man. What's with the mask? Corona is over, you know."

"I, uh," Eddie didn't need to lie. He promised himself he'd tell Grant the truth. "I got Hanahaki, dawg."

"Aw, sorry, bro. That sucks." Grant frowns, "So what are you going to do about it?"

"Planning on telling him sometime today."

"Well, goodluck." Pendejo.

The flowers were a bitch. Eddie honestly thought he ruined Grant's day with how many times Eddie had to throw up. Nevertheless, he was a good friend. Narr helped him out with throwing the flowers out, even offering to leave the event for Eddie's sake. But Eddie didn't want to waste the day, and moved forever with flowers filling his lungs.

The day ended and the two decided to hang out at Grant's place. Grant gave a bowl to Eddie, for the flowers and blood.

"You know, I had hanahaki once." Grant said.

"What did you do about it?"

"I had it removed. I guess you've already seen a doctor about that?"

"Yeah, I couldn't do it though."

"I can tell."

"Grant." Now or never. "I think I love you. I think you're the cause of my disease."

Grant interrupted with a small "oh."

"Grant, I love you so much." He coughed a little. "Please, just tell me how you feel..."

Grant froze, "I... I love you too."

"No, you don't." Eddie coughs again, more violently this time. Tears swelled in his eyes. "You're lying... Just tell me the truth; don't pity me, pendejo!" The last word turned into a fit of coughing and throwing up.

"Eddie! Stop; you're going to hurt yourself!" Grant stood up to help the man, but he pushed him away. "If you won't believe me or let me help, I'm calling an ambulance."

Eddie couldn't protest because the flowers filled his throat. His vision was blurry because of crying. His ears blocked out the sirens and Grant's calls for help. Grant called out to Eddie, telling him to stay awake. But Eddie gave out and collapsed on the floor of Grant's apartment.


Eddie woke up in a hospital bed with Grant by his side.

"Oh, thank god! You're awake." Grant sighed. "I thought you died on me, you idiot."

"What... What happened?"

"The doctors removed most of the excess flowers, but on the infection completely. They won't until they have your consent. And they're planning on an x-ray to see what stage you're in."

"Do it."


"Get rid of this infection. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of knowing I can choke to death, sick that I feel this way, sick that I know you'll never love you unless it's out of pity."

"I do love you, Eddie."

"Stop lying to me; I know you don't."

"You're so fucking stupid."

Grant leaned forward and kissed Eddie. Eddie leaned forward into the kiss. He felt like a million pounds had been lifted from his shoulders. He felt like he could breathe again.

"I love you so goddamn much." Eddie breathes.

Grant smiles, "Love you too. Let's get that x-ray now."

And the doctors found that Eddie's lungs were free from flower petals.

(A/N I was thinking of making it angstier, but I love you guys)

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