Firsts Part 2

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Prompt: Narrator and Eddie share a bed for the first time.

Situation: After the date

Word count: 289

Narrator leads Eddie to the front entrance and opens the door. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Eddie smiles.

"Y...yeah." Narrator grins back and kisses his cheek. Eddie kisses him back and begins to walk to his car.

Ask him. Don't chicken out.

"Do you want to stay over tonight?" Narrator calls out quickly.

Eddie stops in his tracks, and tries to hide his grin, "What was that?"

Narrator rubs the back of his neck as his cheeks redden. "Would you like to sleep over?" Narrator is scared of the silence that fills the night. Before he knew it, Eddie runs up and kisses him on the lips with full force.

"I'd love to." 


After Narrator finishes changing, he pulls out a clean set of pajamas for Eddie to change into. "They may be a little big." Narrator hands the clothes in Eddie's arms.

"It's perfect, dawg."

Eddie heads to the bathroom to change as Narrator strips the bed. As Eddie threw the Narrator's hoodie over his head, he took in the fresh smell. Softly smiling as the scent reminds him of Narr. Narrator climbs into the bed anxiously waiting for Eddie. Eddie walks into the room looking rather adorable in his clothing.

"Hey." Eddie says, playing with the ends of the hoodie strings.

"Hey." Narrator shifts awkwardly. "Um, climb in."

Eddie hops into the bed, facing Narrator, and pulls the covers up. Narrator instructs him to turn around and shuts the lights off. It's dark, and all Eddie can feel is Narrator's warm body spooning him. Narrator smiles as he pulls Eddie's waist closer and as he kisses the back of his neck. It's quiet, except for the occasional shuffle of the sheets.

"Te amo, Eddie."

"Love you too, Grant."

(Hope you enjoyed this two shot! I also wanted to announce 'Cause I Love You Too Much' hit 20k reads! Woo hoo! So in a sorta celebration, I'm planning a special WTIYS... I'll be posting it on 12/26! So get hyped for then!)

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