Sweaters & Music

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Prompt: Spotify playlist named after your loved one

Situation: Narrator is scrolling through Eddie's playlists while wearing Eddie's hoodie.

Word Count: 139

Narrator rests on the couch wearing Eddie's hoodie. Narrator smiles into the hoodie since it's still warm and still smells like Eddie. He shuffled through Eddie's Spotify playlists, and he found one titled "Narrator~" filled with all the songs Grant showed Eddie and love songs Grant would never imagine Eddie to listen to.

"Hey, Grant! Have you seen my phone? Also, my favorite hoodie went miss-" Eddie stopped talking at the sight of Narrator dressed in his clothing. He wrapped his arms over Narrator. "Well, you look nice."

Narrator laughed, "Nice playlist you got. Kinda reminds me of myself."

Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed his phone, "What? Oh shit! You saw that? Don't tell anyone or I'll kill you, dawg!"

"Don't worry about your cholo rep, man." He turned to kiss Eddie's cheek. "I won't tell a soul."

(A/N: A short one!! Speaking of sweaters!! Someone wanted to see a picture of my Your Narrator hoodie, so here you go:

(A/N: A short one!! Speaking of sweaters!! Someone wanted to see a picture of my Your Narrator hoodie, so here you go:

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EddieVR x Narrator One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now