Do You Hear Wedding Bells? WTIYS

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Prompt: Narrator and Eddie wedding

Situation: (What more can I say?)

Word count: 276

This is also a 'write this in your style.' Anyone can join in as long as you mention me in it! (I'll make a little list in the next chapter of those WTIYS, so anyone can find them) I'm excited to see what you all come up with! Or if you want, you can draw the outfits I described in the wedding)

Eddie stands at the podium. His purple collar rides up his neck as his black tux wrinkles. As he adjusts it, Josh pats his back before standing with Mully and Juicy on the other side. The wedding is rather traditional with a mix of techno and their channels in honor of how they met. One side of the cake nearby was painted in reddish-pinks and purples with the other side was dotted with pinks and greens.

A strange, yet sweet, remix of Here Comes The Bride plays- per request of Mully and Juicy- as Narrator enters the open room. He's wearing a white tux painted with splatters of pink and green with a white, mesh skirt falling over the sides of his pants. He's smiling wide as he stands across Eddie, and the wedding commences. The wedding officiant speaks, and the Boys interrupt at times as rehearsed. Eventually, they say their vows.

Narrator takes the rings from Reekid. "Eddie, I'm lucky to have met the love of my life in VRChat. You're my best friend, and I know our friendship and love will grow even stronger." He slips the ring on Eddie's finger and hands him the other.

Eddie places the ring on Narrator's finger. "Narr- Grant. You're one of the most incredible and kind people I've met. You deserve the world, and I'm glad I'm a part of yours. I'd say more, but you kinda stole my lines."

Narrator scoffs with a laugh, and pulls Eddie into a hug. He leans away only for Eddie to pull him into a kiss.They move in a rhythm as if they were made for each other. Everything's still. Everything's peaceful. Everything's perfect. 

(Achievement Unlocked: Marriage

In all seriousness, thank you guys for 20k reads and for getting me to 200 followers. I dropped this acc a year ago when my favorite yt group broke up, and somehow the Boys pulled me back into making yt fiction. Pretty sure Narr & Eddie's dynamic is definitely going to affect my future characters and stories from now on. Thank you again for being a great community, and I'm excited to see some WTIYSs! <3 ) 

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