The Day I Met Him

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BEEP BEEP BEEP! I am awaken to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, reminding me I'm in store for another day of harassment. Great..... I roll over onto my side and hit the "Play" button on my IHome station and immediately hear Universe by Ghost Town blast through the speakers. I hop into the shower and hum along to the lyrics. After the song was over I got out of the shower and went to my closet to decide my outfit for the day. After 15 mins of looking, I finally decide on my My Chemical Romance shirt, black skinny jeans, red converse and my usual bracelets. After that I blowdried my hair. I hit the back arrow of the IHome remote and it repeated Universe. While straightening my hair, I sing out.

"You've taken control
of my heart and my soul
Tried to call but your phones disconnected
Girl you know that I can not accept this
Now I'm stuck in my head
While you lie in your bed
Tryin' to sleep just to forget my name
Tryin' to sleep just to block out the pain"

By the time the chorus ends my hair was straightened and teased. I look at the clock as it reads 7:00 am. "Crap, if I don't hurry up I will be late!" I quickly apply a thick coat of eyeliner and a thin layer of black eyeshadow and rush out the door forgetting to eat breakfast and just barely made the bus. Ignoring the usual taunting and laughing I take my usual seat at the back of the bus, shove my earbuds in and listen to Broken by Seether featuring Amy Lee

I wanted you to know that I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph and I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
You've gone away, you don't feel me here anymore.
The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

'Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
You've gone away
You don't feel me here anymore"

I get off the bus and avoid the usual trip at the end of the sidewalk and hear the school's "perfect, everyone wants to date her" girl, or what I like to call 'Barbie', Cassidy Walkins, curse under her breath for failing to trip me, I smirk at that. I go to my locker and open it to grab my books when I hear a slam on the locker next to mine causing me to jump, only to see its the school jock, Darren Lockwood, looking at me with an evil glare.

"W-what do you want Darren?" I ask quietly . Before I knew it he kicked my stomach and I was on the ground clutching my stomach.

He kneels beside me and whispers in my ear "If you ever speak to me like that again I swear to you it will be a lot worse, and if you tell anyone about this you'll be in the hospital. You hear me?" I quickly nod my head and with that he leaves. I get up still trembling, gather my books and head to first period. When I arrive to my first class which is French with Mr. Moreau I go to my seat in the back put my hood up, get out my notebook and begin drawing an angel crying on a rock. I am interrupted in my drawing when I feel a presence near me. When I look up I see a guy with blue 'emo' hair, blue eyes, and I see tattoos peaking out of his shirt.

"Is this seat taken?" He asks, his voice husky and was smooth as silk. I shake my head and he sits in the desk next to me. I go back to drawing when I hear "Wow, you are really good at sketching." I blush and look up to see him, his face looking astonished.

"T-thanks." I stutter.

"Are you in some sort of class?" He asks in a deep questioning tone.


"Ok, now I'm even more impressed." He says with a grin.

I blush and slightly smile at his remark.

"I'm Alex."

"I-I'm Scarlet."

"That is a pretty name." He says causing me to blush more.

"T-thanks, I like your name too ." I say nervously.

"Thanks." He replies, and with that the bell rings.

(Lyrics from A-Z

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