Chapter 1

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A whole month. It has been a month since Shizuka got into the Hero Course.

And it's really overwhelming.

Ever since she came in, the class were skeptical at first, but quickly eased up when they found out she's no longer a threat to them.

And of course, the whole school knows that Principal Nezu agreed to let a former villain be in the Hero course, in which a Class 1-B student, namely Monoma, ranted on and on about Shizuka being a spy of a group of villains, namely the League of Villains.

The result has caused Bakugo AND Midoriya want to yeet him into the sun. But Kendo beat them into it by karate chopping the back of Monoma's neck, causing him to pass out. She quickly smiled and apologized, saying that Shizuka will be a great hero in the future before dragging Monoma away.

Despite the fact that everyone knew that she's a former villain, they still treated her like a friend and part of the hero society.

"Alright, all of you. Sit down." Aizawa walked inside the classroom, dragging his sleeping bag inside while his students sat on their respective seats. "If you haven't heard, the Principal has said that the classes of the first years are going to have a field trip, as assigned by Nezu himself."

Some of the class started whispering to each other, while others stayed quiet. Aizawa sighed, continuing his announcement. "And what he assigned for this class is going to be an animal sanctuary called Wild Beast Sanctuary not far from the city."

No one noticed, but Bakugo's eyes widen when he heard the sanctuary's name. 'Well shit. Looks like I'm gonna see them again after so long.'

"We will be going there in the next few days. I advice you not to be late to come here, or the buses will be gone by the time you come in." Aizawa suggested, earning a collective response from the class.

"Yes sir!"

"I'm not done yet." He sighed, earning confused looks. "We'll only be there for a week. A week after that, as Midnight suggested, there is..." Aizawa sighed, looking at the class with tired eyes. "A prom night for the whole school."

The class stared at first before all of them (except for the chill dudes) screamed. "SCHOOENT!"

Time skip to lunch time

"Shizuka-san!" The said female heard Yaoyorozu's call from her table, seeing the girls approaching her. They sat down on her table, greeting her with smiles. "Sorry if we kept you waiting."

Shizuka shook her head, giving a warm smile. "You didn't keep me waiting at all."

"Are you girls excited about the field trip?" Mina squealed, but not loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear. "We're going to an animal sanctuary in three days!"

Hagakure squealed along with her, jumping on her seat (if you can see her). "And there's gonna be a UA prom a week after!"

Jiro has her resting bitch face on, leaning against her hand. "Are we seriously going to wear some dresses again?"

"This is a prom, Jiro-san." Uraraka giggled, taking a bite of her lunch.

Shizuka watched the girls chatter with a smile. But in the back of her head keeps on making her think about the sanctuary Aizawa told them about.

'Wild Beast Sanctuary, huh?' She thought to herself, taking a small sip from her glass of water. 'Why does that sound so familiar?'


"TODOROKI-KUN/ICYHOT!" The said student stopped on his tracks, looking behind him to see Midoriya and Bakugo running towards him.

He sighed, turning around fully while crossing his arms with annoyance as he two stood in front of him. "What is it this time? Is it about Shizuka-san?" Todoroki has to admit, it not like him when he's annoyed, but he's like this when Bakugo is around sometimes. But Midoriya, one of his best friends, bombarding him with the same questions over and over again? It's getting on his nerves a bit.

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