Chapter 6

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Also, WARNING: SOFT KATSUKI COMING THROUGH. He's gonna be a bit OOC here but I don't fucking care lmao)

The next two days went on in a flow, with no trouble whatsoever. The class was able to learn more about hand-to-hand combat, or even how to use basic weapons just in case when the villain they are attack has an erasure quirk like Aizawa or where they are in a situation where they are not allowed to use their quirks to not endanger the environment. They even met different types of animals, lions, tigers, jaguars, giraffes, etc., but only the adult animals only, since the babies will be a surprise, as Sakura has told them.

At their fourth day being at the sanctuary, Sakura and her co-workers brought the class and teachers to a nursery, where there are multiple cubs of different species are on mats. The entire class (except for the chill ones) cooed at the cuteness in front of them, while Sakura chuckled slightly.

"Alright, everyone, we brought you here for two reasons." She started, catching their attention. "So first of all, you haven't met the cubs for the last few days, so this is your chance. Not only that, but we are letting you all feed them."

All of their heads snapped towards them, blinking. "Wait, what?" Half of the class muttered, looking to Bakugou this time.

The blonde stayed silent before snickering under his breath. "Yes, we're feeding the cubs. Got a fucking problem with that?"



Soon enough, the class was sitting on the floor, with the cubs on their arms. Surprisingly, and fortunately, the workers in their sanctuary has wrapped the cubs in a blanket, even holding them very delicately like a baby, causing the class to temporarily die from cuteness. (A/N: When Taemaru-Chan told me about this, let's just say I died LMAO)

Before that, however, one of Sakura's co-workers gave Katsuki a baby lion named Kisumi to hold, causing the class to look a bit shocked since this quite out of character of him and Kirishima from the back to almost have a heart attack.

While Bakugou was telling them the instructions on how to properly feed the cubs, Aizawa was at the corner, watching them as the class started feeding, Bakugou noticing that Aizawa was staring at the cub he was holding.

The blonde student comes closer to his homeroom teacher, scratching the cub's head as the tired pro hero looked over at him. "Sensei, can you do me a favor?" Bakugou asked, stopping near his teacher.

"What is it?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow, easily hiding his very very small jealousy about his student holding the baby lion with his tired demeanor.

Bakugou saw through this and simply smiled. "I'll be going around to check if the others are doing it properly so can you feed Kisumi for me? Thanks!" He gently placed the said cub on Aizawa's arms before jogging away to check on his fellow classmates.

"wAIT BAKUGOU-!" Aizawa panicked, before looking down at the cub on his arms, in which the cub looked up at him. "...well then..." He slowly walked over to his students, sitting down beside them before feeding the cub.

The action causes the students beside to look surprised, while All Might on the back is dying with laughter, slightly coughing blood for laughing too much.

Meanwhile, Kirishima was having a teeny tiny trouble with feeding the cub he's handling. The cub was a bit stubborn and apparently has difficulty of swallowing her food, so Kirishima was very nervous and frustrated every time the cub rejected the baby bottle that they use to feeds the cubs. So Midoriya, Shizuka, Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Jiro was also trying to help him. That is, until Uraraka saw Bakugo going around, actually checking up on his classmates.

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