Chapter 5

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At that same night, Todoroki is not the only one having an emotional struggle on loving someone.

The seven girls of Class 1-A are inside their room, sitting in a circle, talking about random things while playing card games. They are currently playing Uno (one of my favorite card games...? XD), their chat quickly changing from personal life to the topic of crushes, started by none other than Mina herself.

"Don't you think that's a bit too personal?" Hagakure asked, speaking out what's inside the other girls' heads when Mina suggested about said topic.

Mina shrugged. "I know, but, we can keep these secrets between us seven. You in, girls?" She questioned eagerly. "And besides, I swear on my aromantic heart that I will not tell anyone." (It's just a headcannon of mine that Mina is an aromantic)

The other six looked at each other but shrugging. "Great! So...who's going to start?" Mina grinned, all of them immediately looking over at Uraraka.

The brunette blushed and shook her arms around, embarrassed. "H-HOLD ON, GIRLS! WHY ARE WE STARTING OFF WITH ME?"

"I mean, it's pretty obvious that you like Midoriya." Tsuyu pointed out, giggling with the other girls a bit when Uraraka blushed even more.

"W-Well...yeah but... why start with me and not Shizu- eh? Shizuka-kun?" The brunette looked towards the said female, who have been mostly quiet during their conversation.

Shizuka blinked, not realizing her friends looking at her until Uraraka mentioned her. She had been so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't realize the topic was quickly shifted towards her. "Er- I apologize, what was it you're talking about?"

"Shizuka-san, you're quiet since dinner. Are you okay?" Jiro asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

The former villain blinked once more before answering. "I'm fine, girls. Just thinking." She smiled softly, hoping it was convincing enough for them to believe before looking down at her cards.

The other six girls looked at each other in confusion before Mina finally got the idea. "Wait a second......who is it?" She squealed slightly, putting her cards down and leaning over at Shizuka eagerly with a smirk.

"I beg your pardon?" The red violet eyed student raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Mina grinned wider, some sort of glimmer in her eyes that Shizuka knew about in the past. "That look on your face. You like someone, didn't you?"

"What?! NO!" Shizuka barked, trying to keep her cheeks from blushing too hard.

Jiro raised an eyebrow while pointing at her with her earphone jack (what). "Yet you're blushing."

"Girls, I already told you two weeks ago, I'm not interested in anyone." The newest hero trainee reminded them, dumbfounded.

"Considering of how much Midoriya and Bakugo protects you when someone from a different grade or section flirts with you, I didn't think that you don't have an ex..." Yaoyorozu quietly mumbled, none of them except Shizuka heard her, the latter's eyes widening upon hearing it.

Tsuyu held up a finger while sticking her tongue out. "And come to think of it, you seem to reject every single offer when someone asked you out on a date."

'Tsu, not you too!' Shizuka bit her lip from keeping herself from wincing after her frog-like friend's observation.

"Why are you so scared to love someone when you haven't tried?" Mina raised an eyebrow at her, blinking in surprise when Shizuka tensed up, pale.

She rubbed the back of her neck, looking away from them. "Who says I haven't?" She shot back quietly, but loud enough for the others to hear, judging by their shocked expressions. She huffed shortly, looking back at them while crossing her arms across her chest. "🎶I stick with real things, usually facts and figures.🎶"

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