Chapter 8

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(Okay. Fluffiness out of the way, let's get to the angst. One part of the story is inspired from the story called 'In New York', a Hamilton fanfiction by notmariah7. You can find her in FanFiction.Net. If you're a Hamilton x Laurens shipper, this is for you lmao. And now we're going to the story)

TW: Attempted Self-Harm/Suicide (again, sorry)

It's the day where Class 1-A, Aizawa, and All Might will now leave Wild Beast Sanctuary. The students have already packed their bags, and are now having breakfast with their two teachers and the working adults.

As the class chatted with each other, Midoriya's attention was directed to the news on the television that was hanging on the wall, showing something that was concerning about an incident that has happened in a neighborhood, which he noticed quickly that it was where Bakugou's family has lived. "Eh, Sakura-san, can you turn up the volume of the tv a bit?" He requested. Sakura raised her eyebrows in confusion before grabbing the remote, turning the television's volume up a bit.


"-was found unconscious in their own home last night." The news reporter spoke, catching the class and teachers' attention from their food to the news. "Two adults known as Bakugou Masaru and Bakugou Mitsuki has explained the situation that an unknown man has been looking for two kids who has been living with them for a while."

Bakugou, upon hearing his parents' names called on tv, choked on his food, causing Kirishima, who is his seat mate, to pat his back, while Sakura went stiff. "According to Bakugou Mitsuki's knowledge, the names of the children are Shizuka Akame and Shizuka Hanuke, known to be siblings." It was Hitomi's turn to go pale, freezing when she was about to pick up her food with a fork. Her head snapped up to the screen, her breath speeding up without her knowing. Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka looked at her with worried expressions, while the first two boys mentioned rubbed her shoulders in reassurance.

"Shizuka-san, remember what I told you. Breathe slowly." Todoroki muttered towards her direction, the girl hearing his advice. She let out slow breaths, a hand on her chest as she watched the news anxiously.

"The couple's neighbor has sent a distress call when she has heard a sudden scream from the reported house. When the police has arrived upon the crime scene, the attacker was not found, but the two families are found unconscious, but not injured expect for Shizuka Akame, who has a head injury and a broken leg. She has been admitted to the hospital since last night. The police shall investigate further more information amongst the attack."

The news then shifted to another topic, letting the class process what they have heard. "...After this, we are leaving for the hospital." Aizawa stated after a moment of silence, earning collective responses of agreement from his students.

"I will be coming with you." Sakura looked up from her breakfast, worry glossed on her face. "Katsuki's parents are my relatives, I want to make sure that they are alright."

Aizawa pursed his lips before sighing. "Very well, then." He gave her a firm nod, while All Might, who is beside him, started thinking about who attacked his students' parents or siblings. With the not-so-quiet attacks and swift escapes, he may or may not have an idea of who it is.

The rest of their time in breakfast flew by quite fast, the uncomfortable silence filling the room after hearing the news. The most silent one is a Shizuka, who is personally scared for her siblings' well-being. It was only more than a month since she came back to them, and a villain has already targeted them. She didn't even know what could possibly go worse than this.

The class quickly placed their bags in their bus, and with a goodbye to the co-workers and animals, they left Wild Beast Sanctuary with their two teachers and Sakura.

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