Chapter 7

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(So this was supposed to be only, talk, talk, but then Taemaru-Chan and I created this angsty headcannon when we were supposed to talk about what happened before the call from Katsuki's parents, if you remember, and I thought, "why not add this headcannon to chapter 7 for more angst?"

Also, half of the chapter are flashbacks. Very long chapter and more of a bit OOC Katsuki SOOOOOOOOOO-)

The sun has set and night has settled, as the entire class were getting some sleep in their shared rooms. Well...scratch that. Almost the entire class.

Bakugou woke up in the middle of the night, which is not the first for him. He has woken up often at midnight if he has a nightmare. For now, however, is for no reason at all.

Bakugou quietly left the room full of his sleeping classmates to take some fresh air, doubting that he'd be able to fall asleep because of their snoring. Before he can move out of the door, he noticed that Kirishima's sleeping bag is empty, quickly shaking it off before moving downstairs.

He was able to leave the building without waking anyone, having done this multiple times. Bakugou yawned quietly, putting on some slippers then moving towards the direction to the observation deck, the only place where he can relax in the sanctuary.

When he was only a few feet away from his destination, he heard some quiet singing from the deck. Bakugou moved a bit closer as he leaned against the wall, hearing the song with a familiar voice reaching his ears.

"🎶-but I watch your eyes, as she walks by.🎶" The voice sang, as Bakugou quickly realized that it was Kirishima. He gotta admit though, his friend got a good voice than what he heard back when they were deciding on what to do in the School Festival. "🎶What a sight for sore eyes. Brighter than a blue sky🎶"

'Wait- who is he talking about?' Katsuki thought suddenly, feeling a pang in his heart. He held his hand on his chest, letting out a quiet sigh as he continued listening.

"🎶She's got you mesmerized. While I die🎶" Bakugou can almost hear a chuckle on the end of his sentence, leaving him dumbfounded for a second.

He gave up hiding and looked at the deck to see Kirishima leaning against the railings with his back towards Bakugou. The redhead's hair is down instead of being pointy, wearing a simple dark red tank top and black pajama pants, a cherry red jacket on his shoulder.

'Damn, he look hot.' Bakugou caught himself thinking, slapping his cheeks as he felt hot from blushing, looking away from his best friend. 'WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING?!!'

Bakugou was able to gather his thoughts together just as he heard Kirishima sing again. "🎶Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half, as pretty🎶" The blonde haired teen looked back at the redhead, furrowing his eyebrows a bit. "🎶You gave her your sweater. It's just polyester, but you like her better. Wish I were Heather🎶"

Kirishima sighed to himself, digging his hand through his hair as he huff quietly. "Not bad at all, shitty hair." He froze upon the voice, looking behind him to see Bakugou approaching him.

(*Yagami Yato flashbacks* AH FU-)

"B-Bakugou! How much did you hear?" Kirishima asked, rubbing the back of his neck as his best friend stood beside him.

"Just a little bit. Around in the refrain." Bakugou shrugged, leaning against the railings with his arms crossed. "Gotta admit though, you have a nice voice. You should do that more often."

Kirishima blushes slightly and chuckled a bit, looking back at the darkened horizon in front of him. "Well thanks.. I guess..." He muttered quietly, but Bakugou heard him as he let a smile slip on his face.

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