Chapter 2

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(Some of the dialogue here and for some other chapters is provided by Taemaru-Chan. I guess you could say that she's a co-writer by now XD)

Sakura waved at the group with a bright smile, stumbling back a bit when Bakugo rushed over to hug her. The class made a move to greet her, while Todoroki, Shizuka and Midoriya stayed behind.

"I missed something, didn't I?" Todoroki blinked, causing Shizuka to giggle.

Midoriya chuckled. "That's Sakura Tairo, Kacchan's older cousin. She's also the one who helped us with saving you a month ago, being the one who found out there was a bomb." He explained quickly , earning a small nod from Todoroki.

The three walked over towards the surrounding group with Aizawa and All Might. Sakura giggled as the students greeted her with smiles, looking up towards the incoming five. "Eraserhead, All Might. It's good to see you again."

"It's nice to see you too, Sakura." All Might greeted back, with Aizawa nodding his head lazily.

"We honestly didn't expect you to be here, kero." Tsuyu stuck her tongue out, her finger on her cheek.

Sakura raised an eyebrow before looking at Bakugo. "You didn't tell them, Katsu?" She asked with a playful grin, earning a shrug from her younger cousin.

"Welllllllllllll............." He trailed off, purposely not finishing his sentence. Sakura laughed and ruffled his hair, earning a small laugh from Katsuki.

"Well then, let's go inside then. You might need to settle in after a long ride." Sakura smiled warmly, leading the class and two teachers inside the sanctuary.

Along the way, Katsuki didn't go unnoticed by the staff, who kept on greeting him with a few waves or smiles. The rest of the class, even the teachers, blinked before they thought simultaneously.

'Is he a freaking celebrity here?'

After leading them around the sanctuary, Sakura led them to a rather large building, leading them inside to the upper ground floors. "The girls will be staying inside one room, while the boys stay in two rooms. Aizawa and All Might will be in this room." She showed the rooms they would be for the whole week, moving towards the stairs. "I will be downstairs if you need me. Once everyone has settled in, the staff and I have a little something something waiting downstairs." With that, she went down the stairs, while the students and teachers went inside their shared rooms.

After a few minutes of getting settled in, the class were now downstairs, standing outside the building. Sakura came outside and towards the class, wiping something from her cheek.

"Alright, everyone, I need you all to step away from Katsuki for a while, please." She informed, causing everyone to confusingly move away from Bakugo, who stayed out on his spot, his face scrunched up.

Sakura smirked a bit before looking at her fellow staff members. "Alrighty, RELEASE THE PRIDE!"

"Release the wh-" Bakugo's words got cut off short when he got pushed down by five lions, causing the entire class to scream, some of them even letting out words of shock, while the two teachers just flinch.

"OH MY GOD!" Iida jumped on his spot, which almost causes his glasses to fall off his face.

"Bakugo/Kacchan!" Kirishima and Midoriya screeched, both panicking.

Their moment of fear stopped shortly when they suddenly heard laughing. They couldn't see what is happening between Bakugo and the five lions, but the laughing only causes them to be confused instead.

The lions broke apart, letting the class see that Bakugo was being pinned down by a female lion, that was licking him all over. "Stop! Your breath stinks! Alright, alright, I miss you guys too, geez!" The blonde exclaimed between laughs, before looking up at the class. "FEAR MY LIONS!"

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