Chapter 4

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So I'm going to focus more on Todoroki and Shizuka for this chapter and the next chapter for a while.

It was night time at Wild Beast Sanctuary, as the some of the class were spending the night in their shared room after dinner, while the others are having a bit of fun outside before going to bed.

Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida are taking a walk around the sanctuary, getting some fresh air. Todoroki was mostly silent in the conversation, not it is something new, however he was talking most of the time if he's with his closest friends.

The other two caught notice of this in the middle of their in-depth conversation, with Midoriya knowing the reason why as a small grin crept up his face.

"Todoroki-kun?" Iida tapped Todoroki's shoulder, who in turn, jumped in surprise since his head was in the clouds so much that he didn't even realize the other two stopped talking.

"Oh- is there something wrong, Iida?" Todoroki asked, calming down his nerves from the sudden move.

Iida and Midoriya just looked at each other, both having their eyebrows raised before looking back at Todoroki. "You have been quiet this evening."

"Am I always quiet?" The two toned student pointed out bluntly.

"...okay, true. But! You are not like this around our friend group, even around Hitomi-chan." Midoriya shot back, a knowing grin creeping up his face.

Todoroki leveled a glare at Midoriya before heaving our a sigh, walking faster than the other two to not let them see the very, very, VERY faint blush on his cheeks. "I don't know what you guys are talking about. I'm fine."

Iida blinked at Todoroki, while Midoriya slumped his shoulders. "He's not going to admit it." The greenhead muttered under his breath.

Iida caught on what Midoriya said and shot a confused look towards him. The latter quickly whispered on the former's ear about Todoroki's situation, leaving a small grin on Iida's face.

Meanwhile, Todoroki was walking through the sanctuary where it is oddly quiet. He made sure that there are no people around before heaving our a sigh. "🎶Tell me am I going crazy?🎶" He combed his hair back, only have them back on his field vision. "🎶Tell me have I lost my mind?🎶" He continued on his path, not seeing Midoriya and Iida peeking behind a wall.

"🎶Am I just afraid of lovin'?🎶" He looked thoughtful for a moment, before looking monotone. "🎶Or am I not the lovin' kind?🎶"

"🎶Kissin' in the moonlight, movies on a late night. Gettin' old🎶" Memories of him and Shizuka hanging out popped up in his head, but he ignored it for a while. "🎶I've been there, done that, supposed to be hot, but it's just cold.🎶"

"🎶Somebody wake up my heart. Light me up. Set fire to my soul.🎶" He looked up from his spot, seeing the night sky full of stars, sighing a bit. "🎶'Cause I can't do it anymore.🎶"

"🎶Give me that can't sleep love.🎶" Todoroki jumped before looking behind him, seeing Midoriya and Iida leaning against each other with knowing smirks on their faces. "🎶I want that can't sleep love.🎶"

The bi-colored student blushed slightly before moving to keep himself away from the other two's teasing. "🎶The kind I dream about all day. The kind that keeps me up all night.🎶" Midoriya and Iida went over to follow their friend, who walked away from them faster. "🎶Give me that can't sleep love.🎶" Todoroki took a turn to the left, leaving Iida sighing and Midoriya pouting slightly.

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