Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Are you going to spill it or no?" Mia asked with agitation. For the past hour, she was playing a game of inquisition, insisting that I tell her the reason why we were dressing up. I shook my head 'no' looking around the store for a dress. Tonight was going to be a big night for my best friend and myself, so we both needed to look presentable.

Crossing her arms, she took a seat on the chair nearby. "Fine. I'm not going to talk to you until you spill out the beans."

"If I tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore."

"C'mon Meli! That's what friends do! We ruin surprises!"

"Fine." Nervously, I looked around to see if anyone was around. Well of course there were people around, but I was checking if Mia or Oceania were anywhere nearby. 

"I'm finally going to tell Alex!" Mia's eyes widened giving me a tight hug.

"Oh Meli! You didn't know how happy I am for you. I'm glad you finally found someone you truly love and care about." 

Mia raised her eyes up and down and stood up abruptly.

"C'mon. If you're finally going to tell him, you need to look hot tonight."

I rolled my eyes, as she forced me into another dressing room once again.


"He's going to be here, don't worry."

I started to become more worried than I was 10 minutes ago. Alex was suppose to be here 15 minutes ago to pick us up and take us to the restaurant. He was never late, actually he was always here rather early. 

"Alex just text me. He said he's going to meet us over there so we'll just take my car, " Mia said quickly, collecting her belongings.

I nodded as confusion filled me inside. Why couldn't he just text me instead?

The drive seemed to take forever, since the traffic was horrible and the restaurant was located in downtown Chicago. Mia had no idea where we were going so she insisted I take the wheel. Something was just not right. Alex was not even picking up his cell or answering my texts at all. What was going on?

After finally reaching the destination, I saw his car parked outside. So why couldn't he just pick us up? Maybe something important came up Meli!

I had to admit, Bobby had outdone it this time. I mean, he took Mia out to the most extravagant places before, but this restaurant was beautiful. Wow, and expensive! I couldn't even afford this, so how could he? The place literally looked liked a palace and it contained of some weird french name that was difficult for me to say. If only Mia knew why we were here.

"C'mon Meli! I'm hungry!" Snapping out of my thoughts, I followed Mia inside to find Bobby and Alex sitting down chatting away as if they were the ones to get married. As we got closer, they seemed to be arguing about something as Alex ran his hands over his hair. The same motion he did when he was with Nalia at the restaurant.

"Hey Baby." Bobby said quietly, implanting a kiss right on her lips. Alex stared at me instantly then drew his eyes away as if he didn't know me at all. For the first time in my life, I felt more subconscious than ever. His gaze intensified as I approached him.

'Hey," I said nervously, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Without saying a word, he picked up his menu from aside and started to read, completely ignoring my presence. I sat awkwardly, repeating the same mechanism.

"You look nice," he mumbled, studying the menu away. Well at least he noticed Meli. That's a good sign.

"You don't look so bad yourself." 

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