Chapter Five

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A/N How are you liking the story so far? I know I promised to upload yesterday, but I got called in to work and I was really tired after that haha. Thank you so much for reading! It means a lot to me! Enjoy :)

Mia sat on the bed with her arms crossed, staring at the plain white wall. She was giving me the silent treatment. I sighed at the sight of her.

"Mia, I'm sorry. It's just-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" She said as if she was about to cry. It hurt her when she thought I didn't trust her. She was still facing the wall as I spoke.

"I- I didn't want you to feel sorry for me," I whispered softly. She turned around and threw a pillow at me making me stumble backwards. It was a sign of forgiveness.

"Besties?" she turned around and held up her pinky.

I laughed interlocking my pinky with her. She was such a little girl! "Besties."

"What made you think I would feel sorry for you?" Mia tilted her head to the side. Mostly everyone felt sorry for me, but I didn't want her to feel that way.

"I don't know. He was interested in you not me." I muttered. Mia wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"Well he got what he deserved. I saw his face. You hit like a man!" We both started laughing. I told her everything that happened on the date and she giggled at every detail.

"So, who's the guy?" Mia nudged my side smirking.

"Eric? Oh. He-He's just a friend Mia." I twirled a piece of my hair staring at the ground. Mia never met him because they hardly saw each other.

"He didn't look like a friend. I saw him trying to kiss you on the cheek, but you kept moving you're head."

"I was not! The wind was blowing my hair in my face. Wait. Were you spying on me?" I turned my head over to Mia. She had a suspicious look on her face.

"I was coming back from Bobby's. He saw you too." She said. Great. Now both of them where going to be on my back. Every guy I talked to, Mia and Bobby always wanted me to date them. Like I said, I'm not desperate.

"He was just saying goodbye. We haven't seen each other like in five years." I made myself clear.

"Whatever." Mia hopped on her bed." I saw what I saw. Anyways, that Eric guy is cute." She reached over and turned off her lamp. "Don't tell Bobby." With that, she snoozed off to sleep.


I tried not to fall asleep as Mr. Hills talked endlessly for about 30 minutes. Here we go again with his speeches about integrity. He always did this when we were expecting a visitor. I rubbed my eyes trying not to fall asleep like the girl next to me, who was drooling all over the table.

"Okay so enough of that. I finally have good news for you. I found a new peer tutor fellows." Mr. Hills said smiling. I looked around and saw many heads pop up once he finished.

"He should be here already." Mr. Hills glanced down at his watch frowning. He didn't like when people arrived late in his class, even if it was a minute late. I don't want to be an assistant to a 'He' . I preferred a girl instead.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." I jerked my head up as the door flew open. "Traffic." I knew that voice from somewhere. I glanced over at the peer tutor. He was taller than me though. He was wearing black slacks with a navy blue dress shirt, and I noticed he was partially muscular. His hair was dark brown slightly done to a hairstyle that seemed to take several hours to achieve. I couldn't make out his face because of all the girls shaking his hand.

"Well class, this is Mr. Culpen." Mr. Hills said, motioning the girls back to their seats."He will be our peer tutor for the semester. Please respect him as you would respect me. Amelia?"

I quickly rose my hand and dropped my jaw when I saw the peer tutor's face. Alex Culpen? No! No! It can't be! The boy I been despising since high school? What was he doing here? He was the most stuck-up jerk I've ever met in my life! I hated him! Well, not hate exactly, but I didn't like him one bit. He was such a man whore! I remember tutoring him and it all went down from there.

I gulped as I stood up from the table. I guess Alex was amazed too because he stared at me as I walked towards them.

"Amelia this is Alex Culpen." I refused to shake his hand. "Mr. Culpen, she will be you're assistant." I could see a smirk forming on his face. I decided to not make eye contact. My stomach tightened as Mr. Hills said 'assistant'.

Mr. Hills pulled us aside so that the rest of the students weren't hearing.

"I have decided to set a special task for you both. We will have a meeting, I say next week. Amelia why don't you show Mr. Culpen around the classroom?" Mr. Hills said as he walked towards the front of the room. I nodded, regretting this whole assistant thing. Ignoring Alex, I made my way over to the sketching table.

"Meli Henson," Alex said behind.

"It's Amelia." I gritted through my teeth without turning around. I just wanted to get this over with.

"Long time no see. You look like you been well." Don't turn around Meli! Dammit, I turned around.

"If you're trying to start smart talk. It's not working." I said giving him an attitude. I stared at his face and noticed he had really grown out his childish looks. He looked more like a man now than in high school. His hazel eyes glared at me.

"You are more prettier than ever." Alex said softly. I snorted at him.

"I bet you say that to all the girls." Alex was a ladies man. He went after each girl he set his eyes on and broke each one faster than breaking a pencil. Alex walked towards me and I took a few steps back.

"Meli." He sighed heavily." I'm not the same guy I was in high school. I grew out my ways. Besides, I'm doing this internship. Doesn't it tell you anything?" His glare melted me inside. I could tell he was being sincere, but something inside of me told me he was lying.

"Anyone could do this Alex. Now, should we continue or do you want to rattle on how much of a very high person you are? Or do you prefer to make fun of me?" I was so furious right now as I said those words. The memory of him spreading rumors about me tore my heart inside.

Alex stared at me as though he heard what I said and I quickly turned my head around. "I'm really sorry Meli. I should have never made fun of you or spread those rumors how you had a chip installed in you're head. I guess I was jealous. You're really smart and successful and I was just a jock playing football."

I felt a heavy relief inside me. Those were the words I've been wanting to hear, but not five years later.

"You're apology is accepted Alex, but it still doesn't change who you still are. Anyway, this is the sketching table where we plan out the sort of buildings we would like to draw out." I said bending over. I could hear Alex sigh, but I knew what I said was true. I wasn't going to be stupid anymore. I wish I should have known that five years ago.

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