Medieval Times

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Louisa's p.o.v

The staff started glowing a bit at the top, which made Renet say "oh grok, this isn't good - Savanti is making changes in the past. He's trying to wipe us out in the present!" Donnie is the one to ask "he can do that??" So I nod my head. "That's basically time-travelling 101.... it happens a lot" I answer, so Renet nods her head. "She's right, I guess I should've let you guys defeat him like history said, can you help me?" Renet asks. I smirk and nod once, but Haven and Raph start saying the same thing "'help you'? We don't even know you."

Mikey and I stand in front of the group saying "come on, guys, one day we're gonna be famous for doing great things. This is one of them!" That's when this weird power sound got our attentiong as we see a head. It's giant, glowing white, and it's floating, so I say "look, a giant head" I say as we look at it shocked. "Renet!" It says right after me, Renet just says "Lord Simultaneous? Aw man, I'm so busted." The head continued with "foolish child, what have you done??" "We gotta get out of here."

"Again, she's right, Lord S is gonna kill me!" Renet says as we both run towards the opening to another time portal thing. I can hear Kash, Donnie and Mikey run in a second after us, then it was Haven, Leo and Raph. Again from a portal I fall to the ground as I groan, but I sit up to notice Kash and Haven did come with us. "Were a couple of random Elementals in that history book of yours, Renet??" I ask as I stand up. She looks at Kash and Haven saying "every now and again, yes, but I was hoping this wouldn't be one of them."

Haven was already glaring at Renet "why not?? I'm strong enough!" Kash stands up saying "yeah, but you also got a bit of anger issues." Mikey laughs a little saying "kind of like Raph" Raph growls at Mikey and slaps him upside the head. "Where the heck are we??" Mikey finally asks, but Renet and I say "more like when are we??" I laugh a little at my word play. Donnie playfully rolled his eyes at me, but he sees a sign by us as he reads the names out loud. "Avalon, Camelot, The Tower of The Demon??" Donnie asks out, so I realize when we are.

Kash realized too as he says "this is not good" Leo got our attention as he says "um, guys, look" then we see what he was looking at. "We're in Medieval times!" Kash, Donnie and I say in unison, so I smile and fist bump the air that I got it right. Renet tells us where we are "England; in the year 980 A.D... that is so cold, right?" Haven looks at Renet weirdly. "Isn't that what you say in your time? Cold??" Renet asks again, so Raph corrected her. "It's actually cool-" "and no, this is not cool - at all!" Raph and Haven both yell at Renet angered.

Renet says "uh, well, I meant to send him back a hundred million hears, you have to help me stop him" Leo steps up saying "looks like we have no choice, guys. We gotta save history" I roll my eyes saying "it's never herstory, is it??" Kash chuckles a little. Raph and Haven glare at me as they ask "we're in the past, and all you can do is make jokes?!" I nod my head. "Just trying to lighten the mood" I say while doing jazz hands again, so Renet fist bumps the air. "Yes! You guys are such groovy daddios!" The old slang made me cringe a bit inside.

Mikey steps towards Renet saying "oh snap! Renet, I got a rad idea" then he does weird gestures as he points to us at the end. I look at Donnie confused as he looks at me confused, but we look back at Renet for an answer. "The scepter can do that, it's just a little quantum manipulation" Renet answers. Then she twirls the staff around as she puts it on the ground, but a light blinded us right afterwards. Blinking a few times I look at my outfit, it's some type of purple cloak as I have my hair in french braids.

Looking at the others I see the turtles in their Mazes and Mutants outfits as Kash has a brown cloak on, it has a hood though. Then I see that Haven is in an old timey dress, but she has her hair in this braid type of crown thing. She looks at her outfit and growls "why am I the one in a dress?! I hate dresses" then she crossed her arms. Knights on horses came to us as the one in the middle says "halt strangers, this land belongs to the king. What business have you here??" Then I think he inspected the turtles and sounded a bit shocked.

"By my blessed horse, I think the little green ones are orcs" the one in the middle continued as they looked at us. A horse got in Raph's face, making him scream shocked as he fell on his shell, but the knight on that horse looks down at him. "That's a right ugly one right there, it is" the one that's closest to Raph says while pointing at him. Raph glares and sits up asking "who you callin ugly?" Haven just laughed a little at this. Before any of us could tell her off a different knight started to judge Mikey now.

"And look at this one, the fiercest of the lot.. I bet he eats children for dinner, he does" the one said as he looks down at Mikey. Mikey didn't like that as he says "I don't eat people, dude! I'm a pizzatarian" I softly facepalm at that. The one that was in the middle says "do not fret, my two fair maidens, we will free you of your evil orc captors." Furrowing my eyebrows I look at my outfit, you can't really tell I have... breast, like in Haven and Renet's outfits. Growling I say "pardon me, but there is three maidens fair, but we can protect ourselves, you-" "shut it" Haven interrupts me.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


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