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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Chapters might be considered fairly short because my main platform is Instagram, where I post my work on a maximum of 10 slides. I sincerely thank you for dropping by, and I hope you enjoy Rainbow Six: November Sun.

FEBRUARY 19, 2019

Alexsandr "Tachanka" Senaviev glanced around the medical bay, not bothering to hide the anxiety in his eyes.

The large room was cold, sterile. Lifeless. The hard sheen of the fluorescent lights on the ceiling tracks were shielded by blue glass, casting a light blue aura across the bay. Sinister tools and devices sat on stainless steel trays and carts, and Alex swallowed hard when he saw a series of syringes arranged neatly in clear, plastic capsules.

The needle of each syringe was substantially longer than the one before it, and Finka lifted the third syringe from its capsule.

Tachanka gulped. "Is this absolutely necessary?"

Finka flicked the syringe. "Yes." She looked over at the man, her eyes glimmering. "I find it funny that the great Lord Senaviev is is afraid of needles, of all things. Relax, Alex. It will only take a minute. Maybe two."

"Don't call me that."


"You know what." Alex rolled his eyes. "Lord. I hate that shit. Who started it?"

Finka shrugged.

"Tell me, Lera."

"Jäger. Well, Jäger and Bandit, to be specific."

"I should have known."

Finka chuckled. "Could have something to do with you moving to ban their ACOGs at that IAF conference." The woman tapped the syringe in her fingers and watched some of the liquid secreted within squirt into the air. "Nervous?"

Tachanka snorted and straightened in his chair. "No."

"I think you are."

"That so?"

"Yes - and not just about the needles. Which arm?"

Alex held out his left arm, palm up. "Why is that?"

The woman rolled her chair close to him, and tapped the skin on the man's forearm. "Oh, good. You have good veins. We're going to get an IV started. Doc will be here any moment."

Senaviev clenched his jaw. "Just get it over with."

Lera sterilized the area and gently pushed the needle into his vein. She saw the muscles in Alex's forearms bulge as he tightened his hand into a fist. "Relax your arm, Alex."

He sighed, but obeyed.

"I think you're nervous about more than the needle," she continued, "because you already know that Jäger is the one who got everybody to start calling you 'Lord' Tachanka." Finka was grinning as she tied the small tourniquet around his arm and made sure the IV was properly secured. "Why pretend otherwise?"

"I hate needles," Alexsandr blurted. "I've been shot. I've taken shrapnel. I've been stabbed." He looked down at the IV in his arm. "Fucking needles, though."

"Don't trust me?"

Tachanka's face hardened. "These... nanobots you've created - they go directly into the bloodstream?"

"That's right."

"It's not you that I don't trust, Lera." The man bit his lip. "Microscopic bots made of... wait, what are they made of?"

Rainbow Six: November SunWhere stories live. Discover now