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Emanuelle "Twitch" Pichon watched her drone screen intently. "Did you all hear that?"

"Golden opportunity," came Thatcher. "All friendlies in one place? Say no more."

Rook let a huge satchel slide off his shoulder and fall to the street with a hefty thud. "Pass those plates around."

Everyone obeyed and hastily strapped on the Rhino heavy-grade body armor vests.

Nøkk finished first, and she approached Ash. "Request green light for rooftop entry. Solo."

Even though she was already nodding her approval, Ash still looked to Sledge. The man's nod echoed her own. She adjusted the balaclava she wore and touched a finger to her earpiece, habitually checking the reception. "All elements: Nøkk is proceeding solo, rooftop. Stack up for insertion on northeast corner. Standby and await further orders."

A chorus of affirmatives responded, and Ash did a final mag check on her assault rifle before walking over to Harry. "Harry, our cheerleaders are going to make things difficult."

Harry looked up at the news helicopters circling above, and the media vans and their crews dispersed throughout the gathering crowds on the opposing sidewalks. "I'll see what I can do. Go."

Ash turned to her teammates and raised a gloved hand, twirling a finger in circles. "Let's move. Squad One, on me."

"Squad Two, stay close," came Sledge, making sure his hammer was fastened securely. "Keep it tight. Eyes open."

As the Rainbow teams rushed across the street, Harry thumbed his nose against the cold and gestured to Lt. Col. Maes. "Might I have a quick word?"

The Belgian commander's jaw clenched, but he nodded. "What is it?"

Harry took care to look strong and confident without appearing overbearing and aggressive. He folded his arms and took a few offbeat steps away from the makeshift command post, and Lt. Col. Maes followed.

When they were out of earshot of Maes's men, Harry squared himself at the embassy, watching his operators rush across the street towards the northwest entrance, near where the hostages were being held inside. Belgian DSU operatives covered their advance with an impressive amount of scopes and sights, all trained on the building as Rainbow moved forward.

Harry inhaled the cold air mightily. "The media presence needs to be gone immediately, Lieutenant Colonel."

"As I stated before, my—"

"-superiors want to put on a show for the public to make themselves look good. I remember." Harry faced Maes. "Such vanity puts the lives of our operatives and the innocents inside at risk."

"I hear you, Director Six."

"It's irresponsible, and I assure you that I will order my people to pack it up and leave before I order an assault under such circumstances. All the insurgents inside need is a smart phone to access a live news feed. They could be watching me speak to you right now."

"I'm aware."

Harry stepped closer to stand toe-to-toe with the DSU commander, and he stared at him with icy eyes despite being a head shorter. "This is all fucking unacceptable. Fix it, or we walk, and I will do so with a clear conscience, Lieutenant Colonel. There are innocent lives at stake here, and I will not have them all jeopardized by someone's desire to extract good press."

If Lt. Col. Maes was shaken, he did not show it. The man rubbed his chin. "I will do what I can."

"Thank you. I just want to help, but politics has no place at this table." Harry softened his stance and turned his attention back to the embassy. "If your people are so concerned about redeeming their reputation, tell them that refusing my request will not earn them any favor with my superiors. That includes many key officials at both the UN and NATO."

"You've made your point, Director. Allow me to make a call."

Lt. Col. Maes stalked off with his cell phone in hand. Harry rubbed his hands together briskly before un-muting his mic, and he brought his tablet up to his face so it covered his mouth and chin. It was best to be safe and hide his words from any would-be spies or onlookers. "All units, this is Six Actual. Our Belgian friends are seeing about getting rid of the media presence. Is everyone in place?"

"One-One confirms: ready to move," came Ash.

Sledge's voice followed. "Two-One confirms: we're good to go."

Harry nodded. "Wait to breach on my command. I leave the rest to you."

"Yes, sir."

"We've got this, Harry."

*          *          *

Ash, Montagne, Twitch, Thatcher, Nøkk, and Maverick were stacked around the corner near the embassy's side entrance, hugging the wall with their eyes and weapons pointed in all directions. Sledge, Valkyrie, Lion, Rook, and Doc were paces behind them.

"Lot of fucking windows." Ash was crouched, and she shifted her weight to her other knee. "Glaz, how we lookin'?"

"Clear," Glaz answered from afar. "Still nothing."

"Roger." Ash craned her neck to look back over her shoulder. "Twitch, did our tango leave that office yet?"

Twitch's eyes were on the screen at her wrist. "Negative. Not sure what he's waiting for, but I think we can confirm he's the bossman."

"Agreed. Keep your eyes on him." The woman sighed and watched the steps ahead leading to an open porch, where two double doors awaited. "Nøkk, I like you for a third element."

The veiled woman nodded her acknowledgment.

Ash tugged on her balaclava again, wishing she didn't have to wear it. "Guardian, this is Ash. Any points of insertion as an alternative to rooftop access? Over."

"Affirmative," Finka answered, her voice punctuated by the subtle crackling of radio static.

"Large balcony on the third floor, northside. Leads to a hallway and offices. Be advised, curtain windows lining that wall near the entrance. Floor to ceiling. Would recommend rooftop access instead. Nearest fire escape back behind you around the southwest corner of the building, over."

"Copy that. Ash, out." Ash turned to Nøkk. "You're up. Get to the rooftop."

"Roger that." Nøkk scurried west, keeping low and staying close to the building. No matter what cameras might have been watching, none of them would catch her on their feed.

She was finally being utilized as a solo element on-mission, and as she tightened her grip on her FMG-9 submachine gun, she smiled beneath her veil.

Nøkk would not have had it any other way.

Rainbow Six: November SunWhere stories live. Discover now