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As the Rainbow operators on the plane reviewed the schematics and floor plans of the Russian Embassy in Brussels, Harry peered intently at his laptop screen as he waited for Communications Officer Harvell.

Her voice crackled in his headset soon after. "Patching you through, Harry."

"Thank you, Kate."

A moment later, a man greeted Harry on the other line. "This is Lieutenant Colonel Maes, Belgian Directorate of Special Units."

"Well-met, Lieutenant Colonel. I'm Director Six of Rainbow."

"I've been expecting your call, Director. My superiors have informed me of your organization's interest in our situation."

Harry could detect a hint of apprehension behind the man's words. "We're simply coming to offer a helping hand, Lieutenant Colonel. Rainbow has worked in tandem with Belgium before."

The line was silent for a moment. "When?"

"Belgian Embassy in London. February of 2000."

"Ah. That was your organization?"

"Indeed, Lieutenant Colonel - though, that was before my time."

"You share this information rather freely with me, Director, do you not?"

Harry made sure that his smile conveyed over the line. "Just aiming for a smooth collaboration. We're all on the same side, after all."

"Mm. One moment." Harry could hear Lt. Col. Maes discussing something with one of his men momentarily before returning to the call. "Apologies, Director. We've accessed audio and visual feeds within the embassy thanks to the security company's outside cooperation. We've determined the gunmen inside are speaking Russian."

"You have visuals on the hostiles?"

"Affirmative. They haven't deactivated or destroyed the surveillance cameras within the embassy."

Every Rainbow operator had been patched in to hear the entire conversation through their own headsets, and they all perked up at the man's words. Valkyrie pointed at Harry with wide eyes, and he flashed her a wink. "That is as good as gold, Lieutenant Colonel," Harry said. "Can you patch that through to me? My Comms Officer can provide you with a secure channel."

"Hm. Respectfully, I don't know about that, Director."

Valkyrie bit her lip anxiously, and her fellow operators waited with bated breath.

"I can personally assure you that our channels are as secure as they get. I'd put my career on the line."

"I, however, would not do the same."

Harry maintained a steady demeanor. "I cannot stress enough how much of a blessing it would be to my team. We're gathering intel now, mid-flight. This would be a tremendous help, and as you know, every second counts." He paused. "That said, the choice is yours, Lieutenant Colonel. We're not here to step on your toes."

Lt. Col. Maes sighed on the other end. "I do not wish to hamper your efforts. I truly am simply concerned about security."

"My organization is top-tier in every aspect of warfare," Harry replied. "This includes security and technological advancement. Send a mirror to the uplink so that my operators may see the men they're up against."

"Very well, Director."

Valkyrie pumped a triumphant fist into the air, not taking her eyes off her tablet's screen.

"My thanks, Lieutenant Colonel. How was contact made?"

The Belgian DSU commander grunted his acknowledgment. "Local police received a 101 emergency phone call from someone inside, and their systems were pinged once by a silent alarm activation. My men arrived, established a perimeter and communication with Brussels PD, and we then tried for two hours to make contact with the hostiles - or anyone willing to pick up one of the phones - in the inside. We were unsuccessful."

"Only one silent alarm activation?" Harry asked.

"Our thoughts exactly," replied Maes. "For them to overtake embassy security so quickly speaks to their... efficiency. Now, at the two hour and five minute mark - just under half an hour ago - we received a call from an untraceable cell phone inside the embassy. That was first contact."

"What was said?"

"It was a man calling himself "Tsar.' I can have my officers forward you the recorded call, but an audio scrambler was used to disguise Tsar's voice. It might take us a few hours to get rid of the noise and distortion."

Harry nodded. "My people can make it quicker."

"Good to know. We'll send it your way." Lt. Col. Maes paused to bark orders to his nearby soldiers before returning to the call. "Tsar simply informed us that they have taken 42 hostages, both staff and civilian alike, and that bombs are being worn by him and his men, as well as having been placed at key locations in the building. No demands were made, and we do not yet have a reason for the attack. He then said that he wished to 'show us the weight behind his words.' At that time, a masked man walked out onto the front steps of the embassy, jacket open to reveal a bomb strapped to his chest. In plain view, he triggered the detonation. Didn't say a word. There was no warning."

"Duly noted," muttered Harry.

"Tsar then called us again to say that he hoped his instructions to keep our distance were 'clear.' He informed us that he would be in touch soon."


"That's all he said.

Twitch was sitting across from Harry, and she flashed him a thumbs-up. "Uplink established," she whispered. "Our Belgian friends are transferring the files now."

"Looks like we're connected," Harry voiced to Maes. "We'll review everything you send. Thank you for your cooperation, Lieutenant Colonel."

"Of course."

"I would like to make a request of you, if I may."


"Please have DSU uniforms ready for my operators - twelve, in all - with appropriate patches and insignias. We'll send you sizing. My team's identities must be kept hidden from prying eyes and any news media cameras."

"Understood." Lt. Col. Maes sighed. "Be warned: media is all over this. Helicopters, everything."

"That's not optimal. Can you get rid of them? "

"Negative, Director." The DSU commander sighed again. "I can clear immediate airspace, but certain people of important stature want the publicity. After the ISIL bombings in 2016, my superiors feel that it's important that the world sees my country's counter-terrorism capabilities in a more... positive light."

Harry frowned. "Surely there is someone—"

"I don't like it either, Director Six, but it is most assuredly out of my hands. Now, I must get back to things here. My men will pick you up when you reach the airport. We'll see you soon."

Rainbow Six: November SunWhere stories live. Discover now