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Rain had begun to fall back at Rainbow HQ, much to the dismay of the unit's recruits, who were scheduled for a 10 mile endurance run in the countryside that ultimately culminated into a breach and clear course at a makeshift killhouse in the Hereford countryside.

Finka and Kapkan hurried down the halls to join their comrades at the situation room.

"Who's taking the recruits for their run?" Lera asked.

"Capitão and Mozzie."

"Sucks for them."

"Indeed." Kapkan chanced a discreet glance at the woman walking beside him. "How are you feeling?"


The man grunted his acknowledgment. He didn't take Finka's response personally - in fact, it comforted him to see her icy demeanor still intact.

The pair rounded a final turn and neared the doors to the War Room.

"Sorry," Lera mumbled. "I just—"

"Do not worry. Let us focus on what's to come."


The pair walked briskly for the situation room entrance, and Finka swiped a keycard. The automatic doors parted for her. She stepped in, Kapkan repeated the process, and soon the two were welcomed inside. The room was already bustling with activity. Intel analysts were rushing about, talking swiftly on headsets and hurrying to fulfill tasks given to them by Intelligence Chief Vince Vion.

Three of the four walls were lined with screens and monitors of all sorts. The fourth wall, at the head of the situation room, was one large display that served as the central hub. It could project multiple venues of data, host 3D holograms of virtually any schematic inputted into the computer, display as many simultaneous video feeds or visual mediums as needed, and more.

An organization like Rainbow needed state-of-the-art technology to ever hope for success as a Fast Response agency.

Vince began rolling up the sleeves of his white collar business shirt. "I want the reporting media on the left side of the Hub. Matt, what's Belgium's largest news station?"

"Belga," a man replied.

"Put Belga front and center. Mute all feeds except theirs."

"Sir." The junior analyst put two fingers to his computer screen, minimized the live video report of the Belga News Agency, and swiped it left. The feed appeared instantly on the Hub's screen.

Douglas Lilly, Rainbow's CIA liaison, was on the phone near one of the coffee pots. He was talking quickly to his superiors with one hand cupped over an ear to better hear them, and he flashed Finka and Kapkan a nod in greeting.

The pair snaked their way to a cluster of large U-shaped desks with glass surfaces and multiple monitors. The surface of the desks served as digital tablets for all-purpose use, and floor plans of the Russian Embassy in Brussels were already on display.

A shockingly detailed three-dimensional hologram of the embassy was floating above a projection pedestal at the center of the work station. Dokkaebi and Maestro were already waiting.

"What do we have?" Kapkan asked.

"Potential shit-show." Maestro swiped at the screen. "Then again, that's why we get paid the big bucks, isn't it?"

Dokkaebi looked up. "Kate?"

"Connected," answered Kate Harvell from her desk. "Comms are green."

Dokkaebi nodded and put on a headset. "Guardian One is online, testing comms with team leaders. How copy?"

"Six Actual copies," came Harry's voice over the radio.

"Rainbow One-One copies," followed Ash.

"Two-One here. I've got you," Sledge finished.

"Affirmative." Dokkaebi scooted her rolling chair over so that Finka could take the empty seat beside her. "Guardian is reviewing mission site. We'll be in touch soon."

"Understood," replied Harry, "but make it quick. We're on-site in ten minutes."

It was virtually impossible to formulate a safe, foolproof plan to tackle such a mission on such short notice... but Rainbow was the best of the best, and former Director Aurelia Arnot had implemented her "Guardian Protocol" after the Ceuta incident a couple years prior.

During a battle, two pairs of eyes were always favored over one. This simple principle birthed the Guardian Protocol, which was the practice of having a third Rainbow team in place to act as another set of eyes and skills to further assist the teams on-site in completing their objectives.

While designated Rainbow operators were en route to a mission - in this case, Ash and Sledge's teams - Dokkaebi and her squad were tasked with overwatch.

Finka and Kapkan quickly got themselves sorted, and soon they joined Dokkaebi and Maestro in quickly assessing all factors of the operation at hand. They hastily reviewed and discussed the floor plan, marking key points of interest and concerns for their colleagues across the English Channel.

The more highly trained personnel there was to analyze a mission site, the less of a chance there was for key factors to be overlooked.

That was, at least, the idea. It was up to Finka and the others now to be there for their companions.

*          *          *

AVENUE DE FRÉ 66, 1180

The transport helicopter touched down in the street near the Russian Embassy. Liam and his Belgian DSU comrades exited, and Harry and his operators followed quickly.

Crowds had already gathered, and police were forcing a few overly-curious onlookers back behind caution tape that had been set up around the entirety of the embassy, a healthy distance from its walls.

The Rainbow operators' identities were hidden behind the masks and multicam uniforms they wore, complete with Belgian flags and DSU patches. The unknown men and women walked briskly for the site's makeshift HQ - in this case, a large trailer next to two Police Intervention armored trucks.

Dokkaebi voice was suddenly in their headphones. "Six Actual, this is Guardian Two. We've highlighted all access points, and a few areas of concern - particularly a T-intersection in a large open area on the second floor. Forwarding now."

"Understood," Harry answered. "Send it. Look sharp, everyone. We're on the clock."

Rainbow Six: November SunWhere stories live. Discover now