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As their colleagues fell in with their Russian and Chinese counterparts, Warden and the other Rainbow operators filed into a third atrium that housed President Jackson, his White House Chief of Staff, and other American VIPs.

"This is Ural One," came Tachanka over the radio. "Ural has eyes on objective. Commencing overwatch of Stone element. How copy?"

Warden rested a hand on his MPX submachine gun idled across his chest. "Heard. Over."

Blitz and IQ sauntered up to Warden's side. The fluorescent lights overhead glinted brightly off their helmets. "Everyone's geared up, McKinley," informed Blitz. "What's the plan?"

"We're going to meet with the Russians and Chinese for a pregame briefing." Warden nudged his glasses tighter against the bridge of his nose. "Team 3 will convene with us shortly."

IQ shifted her weight to one leg, then the other, then back, stretching to warm up. "I don't know about this. Lot of players in this game."

Warden looked at her. "There a problem, Weiss?"

The woman snorted. "We have three alpha wolves and their security teams under one roof, and us - the 'UN', they think - all running defense detail for an attack that might not even happen."

"That's how these things go," Warden replied. "Spent years doing it in Secret Service."

"No, Collinn." IQ stepped closer and lowered her voice. "I'm not itching for something to happen. I'm afraid that if it does, there will be too many people giving orders to too many troops. It's dangerous."

"I see. I hear ya." Warden was a confident, sometimes cocky man, but not too much so as to shun the woman's concern. "Well, that's why we're here. Harry wants us here in case shit hits the fan."

IQ shrugged and nodded towards the Presidential Secret Service detail, headed by Agent Dodd. "As long as they know not to get in our way."

"Dodd's 'good people.' Promise."

"Hopefully we can say the same about the Russians and Chinese."

Radio static crackled in their headsets. "This is Jade Two," came Ying. "We've linked up with Dragon element. How copy?"

"Loud and clear," answered Warden. "Over." The sound of a chorus of boots on the floor reached his ears, and McKinley turned to see Jäger striding for them, flanked by the rest of Team 3. "You all good to go?" Warden called.

"Roger," Blackbeard replied. "If you can call 'waiting for something bad to happen' going anywhere at all."

"You're just not used to defense," jabbed Bandit. "We are camping, as the kids call it."

"Campers," Alibi corrected.

"Same difference."

Blackbeard rolled his eyes. "Where's my tent? My fishing pole? Beers around the fire? Don't look like campin' to me."

Bandit wagged a single finger scoldingly. "No. It's not actual camping. It's when someone's playing a video game, and they stay in one place and hide."

"I know. Fuck, Dominic, you of all people should know sarcasm when you hear it."

Before Bandit could retort, Agent Dodd approached and held up a hand to gain their attention.

"Alright, listen up. Our teams are convening for briefing in the main corridor with Stone and Dragon elements. Let's go."

Nearly forty armed men - some in uniform, in suits, others in plain clothes - joined the men and women of Rainbow to meet in the main underground corridor under the convention center.

Agent Dodd of the American Secret Service stepped to the front of the gathered troops. The FSB's Anton Kosonov joined him, as well as Jianyu Yang of the MSS. Translators flanked them.

"Good afternoon." Dodd rested his hands on the front of his body armor rig. "Everyone's acquainted? MSS, FSB, UN?"

Silent nods met him.

"Good. Now, we have over three hundred security personnel already above ground, from the rooftop to ground-level. You've all reviewed their current positions and rotations of their patrols. We are under strict orders to remain on standby in case of an incident. Do not - I repeat, do not - interfere with the security patrols and stationary positions. Let 'em do their jobs. Understood?"

More nods from all around.

"Excellent. Recap: President Vikhrov is designated 'Stone', President Yi is designated 'Dragon', and President Jackson is designated 'Knife'.

The translators rattled off Dodd's words in both Chinese and Russian. As they did, Dodd swept his eyes over the security brigade before him. "UN troops, step forward please."

All fourteen Rainbow operators did so.

"These men and women are from a special detachment. They have their own orders. Let me make something very clear: in the event of an emergency, these folks will be operating independently on classified ROE. Myself, Mr. Kosonov, and Mr. Yang will delegate orders to you all in accordance. Is that understood?"

Security staff from all three of the other factions looked to one another hesitantly, and low questioning murmurs floated from their midst.

"Maybe you didn't hear me," Dodd snapped. "Am I making myself perfectly clear?"

Acknowledgment among the ranks was nodded and mumbled, albeit reluctantly. It was understandable, given the strange circumstances - the UN had never been known to have a specialized counterterrorism unit, after all - but for security's sake, Rainbow had to operate under a false flag.

Agent Dodd tugged passively on the strap of his shouldered MP5A5. "If shit hits the fan, we secure Knife, Stone, and Dragon, and we fall back here, the underground parking garage. That will give us the room to maneuver and defend while extracting the VIPs. We've been over it." He swept his eyes over the crowd of security personnel. "Okay. Let's go."

As everyone dispersed, Bandit elbowed Jäger. "Hurry up and wait. Our favorite."

Rainbow Six: November SunWhere stories live. Discover now