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Harry watched the CCTV footage intently from his surveillance van across the street from the convention center. The press conference had officially begun, and millions around the world were watching the historic moment as the leaders of the United States, Russia, and China sat down to discuss a peaceful future.

"Guardian," Harry called, "have they closed the doors to the conference?"

"Yes, sir," answered Kate Harvell.

"Let's get a headcount."

"Already on it," came Echo.

The Joint Summit was underway, and all present members including security staff and press personnel were pre-registered in the system for security reasons.

"Facial scans done," announced Valkyrie. "Nobody of interest detected."

"Roger." Harry scratched at his beard. "Ural, Jade - positions?"

"With FSB and MSS backstage," replied Ying in a hushed voice.

"Harry?" asked Valkyrie, static etching her voice over the radio. "Please confirm: 212 people were cleared for the Summit attendance?"

"Correct. Confirming 212 target headcount, including Knife, Stone, and Dragon."

There were, of course, thousands currently present at the Washington Convention Center for various functions, but only a specific list were allowed entry into the press conference during the live Summit.

"We're going to run the scans again," interjected Mira over the feed, "but be advised: we're counting 213 in the Summit Hall. How copy?"

Harry frowned. "Received." He peered at the surveillance screens, eyeing the mass of reporters and politicians in the rows of seats encircling the Summit Leaders.

Though Guardian was conducting a second headcount from the Situation Room back in Hereford, there was virtually zero chance of the software being mistaken.

Somebody who should not have had access to the summit was nevertheless present, and in close proximity to the three most powerful men on the planet.

Harry had no choice but to expect the worse.

* * *


The news travelled fast. Dodd deployed his Secret Service reserves to key points in the parking garage, locking down entryways and elevators accesses.

Warden straightened his tie around his collar by habit as he approached Dodd. He was flanked by IQ, Blitz, Ela, Zofia, Bandit, Jäger, Blackbeard and Alibi. "Can we have a word, Dodd?"

The Secret Service Chief looked at them all for a moment. "Yeah, Collinn. Quickly."

Warden stepped close and lowered his voice amidst the hustle and bustle of security agents around them. "We'd like to take point on this."

Dodd stared at him for a long moment. "What?"

"My team would like to take point."

The security chief snorted. "I just stood in front of a few dozen men and told them to steer clear of you and respect your maneuvers. Now you're asking that I just give control to you?"

"Not control," McKinley corrected. "Just let us take point."

Agent Dodd glanced at the armed Rainbow operators surrounding Warden incredulously. "You all gotta be shitting me. No. I can't just let you 'take point' - I have a duty and oath to uphold for the President of the United States."

Warden nodded. "Nobody's disputing that." He undid a pouch on his chest rig, the scrape of Velcro sounding loudly through the garage, and produced a folded document. "For you."

Dodd eyed the man warily before taking the document. He unfurled it, and his eyes widened as he scanned it. "The fuck is this?"

"A Presidential Executive Order granting us command of this operation." Warden nodded at the paper. "Signed by President Jackson."

"I...." Dodd trailed off, his narrowed eyes and furrowed brow mirroring his confusion. He pointed at the signature beneath President Jackson's. "Director Six," he read aloud. He glared at Warden. "Director who?"

McKinley smiled politely. "He's important, my friend. Far more than you or me."

"Why not tell me earlier?!"

"Was hoping I wouldn't have to do. Just thought I'd ask, first. We go way back, Dodd. I didn't want to lead with that."

"Fantastic." Dodd drummed his fingers on his SMG, trying to wrap his mind around what was happening. "UN, huh? Bullshit, McKinley. Who are you guys, really?"

"We're going to get set up here, and prepare a perimeter defense just in case. Keep your men reined in for now. Oh, and Dodd - call the White House Chief of Staff, if that would put your mind at ease. He'll corroborate."

"What about the Russians? Chinese?"

"They are free to act as they see fit, but as for Knife, we'll be housing him right here in the event of an emergency."

Dodd's face was still a picture of astonishment. "This... isn't how things work. This is - there are procedures, and—"

"You'll find that most red tape does not apply to my boss." Warden shrugged and turned on his heel. "We're moving to prep. Have your men watch the rear entryway and the far elevators. We'll handle the perimeter."

The glow of headlights washed over the huddle, and an unmarked van rolled to a stop. Miles "Castle" Campbell hopped out of the driver's seat and pulled open the rear double doors.

Rainbow Six: November SunWhere stories live. Discover now