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Introductions were quick. Harry shook hands with Lieutenant Colonel Maes of the DSU before introducing him to Ash and Sledge.

Glaz wasted no time in crossing the street to the neighboring bank to the southeast, informing his colleagues that he would notify them when he was in position. He was escorted by two police officers, and the bank manager was thankfully quick to understand and comply.

The Rainbow operators circled the hood of a police cruiser, where blueprints of the embassy had been spread out.

Ash and Sledge headed the meeting while Harry, Lt. Col. Maes, Liam, and other DSU officers looked on.

"Acevedo is already up in the air," Ash murmured. "She said she's going to maintain a good height to remain out of sight of windows."

"We haven't had eyes on any tangos since we arrived," Maes informed. "They've taken care to stay out of sight and away from windows."

Nøkk nudged Ash. "I can get in through the rooftop access and hide in the shadows until needed."

"We'll drone it and go from there," Sledge answered. "A solo element could be useful."

Liam folded his arms. "Our men can provide cover for your insertion." He gestured over his shoulder. "We have enough personnel to have a shooter with eyes on every window."

Ash nodded. "Will be nice to have those windows out of the equation. You copy that, Glaz?"

"Da. Setting up on the third floor of the bank. The southeast corner of the embassy is straight in from my perch, 45 degree angle. Clear line of sight of both the north and east walls."

"Copy. Stand by." Ash adjusted the balaclava she wore, and cast an annoyed glance over her shoulder at the crowds of onlookers and news cameras. "We're good to go. Be sneaky with those drones, determine the hostages' positions, keep an eye out for bombs. Ping any traps for Guardian so they can highlight them on the operational map."

Everyone conducted a final gear check. Glaz kept a steady eye on things through his scope from across the street to the southeast. Nøkk adjusted the veil she wore before going dark and stealthily moving towards the embassy through trees and foliage. Maverick covered her.

The remaining operators deployed their drones, taking positions around the exterior of the embassy. Twitch was the only one who sent her drone inside, and she stared intently at her screen as she navigated the embassy lobby. "Lobby's clear."

"Nothing on thermal," Glaz murmured.

Lion positioned his RC drone outside a parking garage entrance before unzipping his backpack and pulling out his aerial surveillance drone with a grunt. He set it on the grass, activated it with the push of a button, and the drone hummed to life before hovering in place inches above the ground.

"All units, EE-ONE-D is going up for surveillance." Lion's declaration was both an informative statement and a warning. "Griffon Two-Six, you copy?"

"Affirmative," came Acevedo from her helicopter above the embassy. "Thanks for the heads-up. Highlighted on my radar. I'll steer clear."

Sledge hoisted his assault rifle and checked the mag a final time before slapping it back into the magwell. "Safeties off. Show's about to start on your go, Ash."

"Safeties off," Ash echoed. "Roger that. Command, stand by for initiation."

*          *          *

Inside the embassy, Yegor Federov sat in a luxurious leather chair in the Ambassador's Office. His AK-74 leaned idly against the desk.

He stared at the 5-kopek nickel coin pinched between his fingers before closing his eyes. This was the end of his road. His men didn't know it yet, but Yegor had led them to their mission with no intention of ever living through it.

The man looked at the ski mask that he had taken off while filming the video sent to the police. He hoped Matvei would call soon - Yegor wanted one last conversation with his brother before going through with the mission.

Someone tapped on the door lightly. A masked man wearing body armor and carrying a Bizon submachine gun soon entered. "Sir. Hostages are under control, but they're getting restless. One was particularly troublesome."

Yegor looked up. "Was?"

"Sergei knocked him out and isolated him." The man shifted on his feet. "Didn't kill him."

Yegor nodded. "Fine. Are the others in position, Petr?"

"Yes, sir. They're waiting for the order." Petr scratched at his jaw beneath his mask. "That helicopter that just landed has more DSU. Around 15, 20. Petra said there's another helo circling above us, pretty high up. Also, one of their people just sent a drone of some sort up into the air, and it's hovering above the embassy."

"A drone?" Yegor asked. "Is it armed?"

"Don't know, sir, but I have to assume it is. They'll probably send robots or something first. What do you want us to do?"

"The time draws near. Get back to your post. Check the defenses at rooftop and the basement and keep the hostages in line." Yegor stood. "Good work, Petr."

The masked henchman stepped out of the Ambassador's Office, and Yegor's phone vibrated softly as the door shut. He saw the Caller ID and took a deep breath before answering. "Алло."

"Yegor. Are things in place?"

"They are."

The line was quiet for a long moment. "Well done, little brother. Tania would be proud of you."

Yegor eyed his rifle. "I miss her, Matvei," he whispered.

"I do too."

More silence ensued, and the gravity of what was to come began to weigh on the two brothers. Yegor felt like his heart was an anchor pulling him into the earth, and his brother's unspoken silence told him that Matvei was feeling the same.

"I'm sorry I'm not there with you," Matvei murmured. "You're doing us all a great service. You'll be remembered forever."

"We both will," said Yegor softly. He bowed his head. "For Tania. For our friends. I'll see you on the other side, Matty."

"Soon. Good-bye, Yegor."

The line clicked dead. Yegor scooped up his rifle and wondered if this was where most people would have shed a tear or two.

He had stopped crying long ago.

Yegor Federov scooped up his radio. "Five minutes," he called. "Get the hostages into the front lobby."

The man did not see the RSD Model 1 Shock Drone watching him silently from a floor-level ventilation opening in the shadows of two tall filing cabinets.

Rainbow Six: November SunWhere stories live. Discover now