Ather paradise and a new lead

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3rd person pov

"So Mrs. what's your name?" Lillie asked Y/N's mother.

"I'm shauna L/N, and what's your name?" Now identified as Shauna asked.


"I'm Lillie, do you need help looking around the island? Do you need a job?" Lillie asked Shauna.

"Yeah sure. I would like some help looking around and a job. Calem, my husband went back to Kalos to look around there so I'm on my own." Shauna explained.

"Ok I have the perfect place for you if you love Pokémon."

"Ok! I love Pokémon very much!" Shauna responded. After unpacking the last box. They went out the door and to the harbor.

This is the boat we'll be taking. We are going to Ather Paradise and you might be able to get a good job." Lillie told Shauna as they walked off the boat to ather paradise.

Lillie guides Shauna to president Lusamines room. Lillie knocked "mother I found someone." Lusamine told lillie to let shauna in. Lillie guides shauna then closed the door as she walked out.

Then the interview started. There were several questions and finally lusamine asked why Shauna moved here to Alola.

"It's a little personal but I guess I could tell if you're able to help." Shauna explained everything starting from Sun and Y/N getting kidnapped too traveling all the regions to find them to now being on Alola.

Lusamine didn't know but Hladion was on the other side of the door listening to make sure the interview went well. After hearing about this he walks over to Lillie and explained everything saying how he wanted to help. Lillie agreed and they left Ather paradise trying to find leads.

"This all happened 11 years ago this might be hard." Lillie said worried that they might not find them. "We should ask Hau for help."

"That might be a good choice. If we found Father then of course we'll find Sun and Y/N." Gladion said while looking out to the sea as a wailord jumped out of the water and crushed back under water. The sun was setting but when they got off of the boat they went straight to Iki Town.

Gladion knocked on Haus door. "Gladion? Lillie? What's wrong you only come here together if something's wrong." Hau was surprised at Gladions appearance. They explained to him and they all started researching right away.

"I FOUND IT!" Hau yelled one happiness after searching for leads for nearly four hours. Everyone gathered around Hau as he said what he just read. "Team Gamma, a villainous team that mostly operated fifteen years ago would kidnap children and do horrible things to them. Thankfully they went into hiding after the leaders were sent to jail and put on death row. These villains only operated in the Unova region." Hau read.

"Holy shit that's horrible do you really think that's what happened?" Gladion asked.

"Only one way to find out. We ask mother what region Shauna was in when the kids were kidnapped." Lillie smartly stated.

~the next day~

"Mother, you know that lady I brought here yesterday?" Lillie started to ask.

"Mmh" Lusamine nodded.

"What region was she in when her kids were kidnapped?" Lillie asked.

"She was in the Unova region, wait how do you know about that!"

"Oh no, gotta go mom I've got a huge problem." Lillie ran out of her mothers room and went back to mele mele island. 

"Gladion, Hau! She was in Unova! Now we didn't even know if they're alive."

"Hey on the bright side we know where to go." Hau said.

"Yeah." Gladion sighed. They all packed their bags and bought tickets to the Unova region.

For some reason no one at the airport tried to stop three kids to ask what they are doing. They all got on the plane safe and sleepy almost the whole way to Unova. When they got there it was night time so they all checked into the hotel and went to sleep more.

Alright how was the chapter. Due to the fact that I wrote this a year ago I'm making changes to how it's going. This was a long chapter for me. I usually write 300-400 word chapters but this was 750 words. I hope you all like my stories. Be sure to check out my other ones. Lastly, comment! I love feedback.

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