Gladions confusion

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I'm so so so so sorry for not updating in so long, I lost motivation but after showing my cousin the sun and moon anime and replaying my Pokémon moon and ultra sun I have decided to continue! Here you all are, my next chapter after a few months, sorry again...


We all walked down to a malasada shop just down town. We all ordered Malasadas for ourselves except Gladion.

"Do you want one?" I ask him while holding out a Malasada towards him.

"No thanks, Y/N." Gladion politely refused and sat there looking at the window to the ocean. I smile softly at him and set on in front of him then continue eating the rest of the Malasadas I had decided to order. Hau was chomping them all down like crazy. I giggle at how childishly he ate them and looked out the window, wanting to see the beautiful view.

Even after I've been living here for a month now, I still find everything so amazing and joyful. I guess that would be a normal feeling to feel after being licked up in the sewers for so long. I was so lost in thought I didn't even hear lillie talking to me.

"Earth to y/n!" She said loudly and giggly as she waved her hand in my face. I snapped out of thought and asked her if something was wrong.

"Lillie was just asking if you wanted to go to the mall with us!" Sun smiled at me. It made me so happy to see him smile a real smile. We haven't been smiling very much, most likely because of what had happened to us.

"Sure, this will be so much fun! I haven't been to the mall before, what's it like?" I was very excited for this. I'm having so many fun experiences lately. I finished my Malasada and noticed Gladion had eaten the one I gave him.

Everyone was done eating so we left the Malasada shop together. As soon as we were out of the building I grabbed the hand of the person closest to me and ran off in a direction while pointing ahead and shouted "To the mall!"

"Y/N, the mall is the other way!" Hau expkained. I then realized that I was holding Gladions hand and I was running in the opposite direction.

"Oops, silly me!" I laugh as well as everyone else then let go of Gladions hand. Too bad I let go, his hand felt so nice to hold.

Gladion pov

I thought it was really cute on how excited Y/N got from the thought of the mall. As soon as she grabbed my hand I felt myself blush, but why do I feel this way? This warm feeling is so confusing. Why am I blushing so much? I've never really felt this attached to someone before?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Y/N let go of my hand and ran the other way to where the mall actually was. I for some reason felt saddened by the absence of her hand on mine. I shortly followed after them, walking slightly behind them because there wasn't enough room for all of us on the sidewalk.

Soon we made it to the mall. We entered it and Y/N's eyes lit up. I love her smile, it's so pretty. Arceus, I really need to pull myself together. Why do I keep thinking these things? I'm so confused.

I felt someone pat my back "Gladion? Are you ok? Everyone already ran off? Is something troubling you?" It was Hau, he seems worried about me. I don't want to trouble him with anything but after learning that everyone helps each other on Alola I should tell him, but not now. I think I'll tell him if these feelings continue.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me Hau." I say and start looking around.

Y/N pov

Lillie and me were walking around where I saw a little play area for Pokémon. I smile and send out my Popplio he looks up at me and makes a gleeful noise. "You should go play with the other Pokémon here! I'll be back, ok?" I smile at it and it flops over to the other Pokémon.

"Wow Y/N! You have a Popplio! I have a friend who has a Primarina!" Lillie exclaims. I smile at her then ask my Pokédex to show me Primarina.

After I was shown Primarina which I now knew it's Popplios fully evolved form I smile at Lillie. "Primarina is so pretty!" She then nods in agreement then we went over to an accessory shop. There were all kinds of pretty things. I didn't have enough money for anything so I decided to just let it be and get something next time. Lillie offered to get me something but I politely turned down her offer.

We all met up eventually. I saw Gladion holding a bag. I wondered what he got. "Hey Gladion, what did you get?" I question.

"Oh, this?" Gladion holds up his bag "it's a bow for my Umbreon. She likes to wear them sometimes" Gladion explained. I nod as I understood

"We should probably go pick up P/N now. I don't want to leave him for too long." I state. Everyone agrees and we head off to go pick up my Popplio.

When we got there i saw a little girl playing with my popplio. He looked really happy with her. I walked up to them and asked the little girl "do you like my Popplio? His name is P/M"

She smiled at me "that's a cute name!
I love him!"

"That's nice, I have to go now but maybe you can see him some other time."

"That's fine, bye p/m!" She stood up and went over to her mother and they went off somewhere. I put Popplio back in his ball and walk back to the others.

"So, where to now?" Sun asked. I shrugged as I didn't know this island very well.

"Why don't we go to Lillie and Gladions house? It's really big!" Hau recommends.

"That's ok with me, what about you Gladion?" Lillie answered. Gladion hesitantly nodded so we decided to head to Lillies house. 

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