The sewers

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Sorry about the way I wrote this story. I understand I made it an x-reader but I'm trying something new and I promise you will appear in the next chapter then the fun stuff will happen! Please stay with me.

I'm also sorry I wrote like three thousand words for this chapter when I was on the plane but I forgot that it doesn't save so I had to re write this whole chapter.


Ash? What are you doing here?" Gladion Lillie and Hau all said as soon as Gladion beat Elesa.

"I'm traveling all the regions I've been to again. But it should be me asking you all that question. Lillies in her z powered form. Hau looks serious and you, why would you leave the Alola region?" Ash pointed out.

"It's a long story but we came to find someone. Have you heard of Gamma Assembly? A you girl and boy were kidnapped by them 12 years ago and we want to save them."

"Team gamma? Yeah they're pretty bad but the went into hiding it's going to be really hard to find them. No one has. Anyway I have somewhere to go it was nice talking!" Ash waved and ran off.

"We should check Castilia City. It's just down south from here. It's the biggest city in the region we could get good info." Lillie suggested. Hau agreed so they set off through the desert.

"Whoa it's super hot!" Lillie said while taking off her hoodie.

"Ow! The sand is burning my feet!" Hau said as the sand got all over his feet and flip flops. Even Gladion started to strip off his hoodie.

"I can't believe it's this hot here." Gladion opened his Fresh water and started to drink it all down.

"Gladion! Don't drink so much we only have six bottles!" Lillie scolded before drinking her whole bottle of fresh water.

"You're such a hypocrite." Hau managed to laugh with his super dry throat. Hau had taken off his shirt and was panting as they trudged through the desert

(I honestly like the heat. I live in a desert and it's great to sunbathe outside the pool then jump in when you're done. I just like to exaggerate things when I write.)

"L-look at ye horizon." Gladion pointed after walking for hours. Now completely out of water everyone manages to pick up their head to see outlines of tall buildings. Much bigger than nimbasa city. The trio was looking at their destination, Castilia city.

Hau let out a depressed sounding 'woo' and they continue walking now a little more motivated. Finally they walked onto a sidewalk with a vending machine.

"I-is that-" Lillie began

"WATER!!!!" Both Hau and Lillie fell to the ground crying as Gladion put his pokedollars in the vending machine and bought each of them three bottles.

No one could control themselves. All three cracked open their bottles and chugged all three down in less than a minute. They were getting strange looks from people passing by but at the moment they didn't care.

Gladion was the first to talk. "We all need to split up. Hau you'll search the left half of this city, Lillie, you search the right and I'll search the harbors. If we find any info or know where they are we come back here too meet up in one hour. And Hau, no more distractions." Gladion ordered.

"Alt roger Gladion!" Both Lillie and Hau joke and strike the ultra guardians pose. Gladion laughes a little then run off.

*with Lillie*

"Ugh what am I supposed to find what around here could help me? Oh I remember! Shauna said that her husband found team Flares base behind a shelf in a cafe! I look in the cafes!" Lillie talked to herself.

*with Hau*

"Wow this place is awesome! Look at all the big screens. Oh a Pokémon center I should go there and rest my Pokémon first."

*with Gladion*

"Excuse me sir? Is that sewer open to the public?"

"Yeah but a kid like you should not go in there. Have you heard the rumors? Every kid that goes in there never comes out. My best friends daughter went missing in there a while back."

"Thank you sir." Gladion said before searching more. He eventually found more leads that kept on bringing him back to the sewers.

*one hour time skip*

Gladion was resting against a wall when Hau and Lillie arrived.

"I'll go first because I found out quite a lot," Gladion waited for the younger twos attention "everything I've learned lead back to the sewers. We have to find an officer."

"You kids looking for an officer?" Officer Jennie appeared behind everyone startling them.

"Officer Jennie? When did you get to Unova?" Hau asked.

"I'm Castilia cities officer Jennie and this is my partner Herdier. You kids aren't from here are you? Where are your parents?" Officer Jennie asked.

"We are part of the Ultra Guardians from the Alola region. We are here on a mission and need your help." Lillie explained. (I just realized I misspelled Jenny this whole chapter sorry.)

"Where are the other Ultra guardians?" Officer Jenny asked.

"They are in Alola! We have to have someone to protect Alola!" Lillie continued "anyways we need your help."

"What can I do for you?" Officer Jenny asked

"We need to get deep into the sewers. A girl named y/n and a boy named Sun is there their mother told us they disappeared 12 years ago. All of our leads lead us to The Gamma Assembly and The sewers in this city. We have to go in but not alone." Gladion explained the important information to officer Jenny.

"Alright but I'm telling you now, I've gone in there several time and found nothing."

"We'll go in no matter what this is our mission." Hau got super serious suddenly.

"Let's go in now." Officer Jenny said as they walked into the sewers.

*with y/ns mom*

Why can't I see them? My will to see them is strong enough, I'm positive! Soon the mist faded and Shauna walked out.

"Did you see them?" Hapu the Poni island Kahuna asked.

"No? Am I doing something wrong?" Shauna asked Hapu.

"Not at all, this is great news because you didn't see them that means that your children are ALIVE."

The word alive ring through y/n and Sun mothers ears. "Alive." Shauna said before realizing what Hapu said t n broke down crying. "My kids are alive!" Shauna looked up at the sky and thanked Arceus.

*back with the trio*

"Strange I've never seen this part of the sewer before." Officer Jenny said curiosly. She looked around and saw a narrow alley way with a door at the end.

"Over there." Gladion pointed out before officer jenny had said anything.

"Alright I kick down the door and get all of team Gamma while you three look for the kids you came here for and I'll handle the rest. Are you ready?" Officer Jenny ordered.

Alright next chapter will be your point of view. Thanks for sticking with me up till now I promise you won't regret it.

Remember to comment! I love your feedback. I'm not much a fan of quiet readers even though I'm one myself!

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