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Y/N pov

I had horrible sleep per usual. I usually can't sleep because I'm too scared to let my guard down because of team gamma. As nice as these people who saved me are I don't trust them yet. It was around 7 when Lillie came into my room and gently woke me up.

"Y/N we made it to Kalos, don't you want to meet your Dad?" Lillie kindly and softly said. I opened my eyes already feeling awake I get up to put on a shirt and pants.

"Thanks for getting me Lillie." I say as I walk out of the room and onto the ships deck.

"Good morning sis" sun tells me him too looking like he got no sleep. I reply with a simple 'mornin' and walk off the ship after Gladion. Then Lillie Hau and Sun got off the ship.

"There should be a salon around here." Lillie states as we walk around the city. There was a big tower in the middle of the city that had a lit up poke ball with a thunderbolt sign hanging up on the entrance.

"It's right there, Lillie." Hau points out. We look over to the other side of the street to see a barber shop. Lillie leads the way in and writes Sun and Is name on a sheet. We sit down and wait for a lady to call us over to a seat. They did Suns hair first.

Suns black hair was cut to have sideswept bangs and the back part was cut down to his shoulders. "Thank you." He told the lady who cut his hair as she got the broom and swept up all his hair into a trash can.

"Y/N, it's your turn." She called me up. I got there and sat in the chair. She adjusted it to my height and asked what I wanted my hair to look like.

"Could I please have (bangs, no bangs) and (h/l) hair. I asked I wasn't sure if it would look good because I've never really seen anyone's hair before. She did as I asked and when she was done Hau paid for both of our hair cuts and we left the salon.

"If we take a car down this road and out this route then up this mountain we'll be at the Pokémon league." Gladion tells us.

Lillie calls a cab and we all get in. After a hour and a half drive we made it to the Pokémon league.

When we got there a lady dressed in all white and had a fancy hairstyle was there at the gates to the Pokémon league.

"Oh it's the former champion Diantha, I've read all about her!" Lillie showed off her knowledge on Diantha.

"Excuse me Diantha we are the Ultra Guardians from the Alola region and we found these two teens, Y/N and Sun also known as Calems long lost kids and they'd like to see him." Gladion politely asked if we could see our Dad. Me and Sun were hiding behind Gladion and Hau but when Gladion mentioned is we poked our heads out from behind them.

"How do we know it's really them?" Diantha asked. Hau told us to stop hiding so we walked out from behind them. Diantha looked at us from top to bottom nodded then left inside the building. A few minutes later Champion Calem our dad came out.

"You are right they do look a lot like Shauna and I. You said that the kids who brought them here are from Alola? Shauna did just move to Alola a while ago. Hmmmm..." Calem talked to Diantha.

Then Calem smiled at us it was a nice smile but it made me really nervous so I went back and hid behind Gladion.

"Y/N?" Dad asks. "Sun?"

"I poke my head out just enough for Dad to see my eyes. Sun tried to be brave and walk up to Dad. He slowly and shakily walked up to Dad. That's when dad noticed all of our injuries like scars cuts and bruises all over our bodies. Then he realized what had happened to us the night we disappeared. Tears welled up in his eyes as he asked us if we were ok and we could take our time to trust him.

"I missed you, Dad." I say as I walk up to him. I remember a simple gesture of love from when I was young. I wrap my arms around dads chest and Sun Joins me too.

"I love you Dad." Sun says as Dad starts to cry and hug us back.

"I'm so so so very sorry. I wish we could have found you sooner or prevent you both disappearing." Dad cries. I couldn't see the trio who saved us but I knew they were smiling.

We stood there hugging for the next few minutes until a challenger came by.
"I beat all of the elite four I'm ready to take you on!" She said making weird hand gestures. As much as I was saddened that my dad had to leave I knew he had too.

"Bye Dad, good luck." I start

"We'll be cheering you on." Sun finished. He smiled and walked off telling us that he loves us.

As soon as Dad was out of sight I realized that I was smiling. I haven't smiled in years. I felt around my mouth shocked. "Is this what happy feels like?" I ask.

"I think so?" Sun answered uncertain while the others stood there shocked.

"Let's go get something to eat I'm hungry!" Hau said breaking the silence. E all agreed even me and Sun despite the fact we aren't used to eating this often. The others say it's normal to eat three times a day but sun and I can barley eat twice.

We got to the cafe and I looked at the menu. I've never tried anything on this menu before so I was having trouble deciding. I ended up choosing a croissant. I told Gladion what I wanted because I was to shy to tell the waitresss. But talking to others is something I'm working on.

Everyone ordered and was served and we all ate. Hau was talking a lot as we ate. Like seriously how does he have so much to talk about? He just never stops talking. I was starting to get a headache so I excused myself to the bathroom.

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