Youre here for me?

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"Y/N! Sun!" I hear a voice calling our names. Who's that? I've never heard them before. Then a bad thought came to my mind. What if they are here to kill us?

"Sun!" I yelled through my muffle. He looked at me with the same look of fear I had. Then the doornob twisted. IM TO YOUNG TO DIE! But the people who came in were teens around our age. The one with the blonde French fry hair walked up to me.

"Are you Y/N?" He asked in the kindest voice I've ever heard it was smooth and calming. I nodded. He untied my wrists and took off my muffler. "Here take my hand." He kneeled in front of me and reached his hand out for me to take. He smiled at me. Is this love at first sight?

(Sorry it looks bad I drew it on the airplane plus I can't shade hands)

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(Sorry it looks bad I drew it on the airplane plus I can't shade hands)

I uncertainty put out my hand for him to take. His hands were soft and he gently pulled me up off the ground. I saw the other two people who came in with him were having a little trouble with Sun.

"Sun, you can trust them." I timidly said. "Who are you?" I asked the blonde boy.

"Don't worry I'm Gladion and I came here to save you. Your mother is very worried." His voice was so nice my eyes started to sting with tears and I started crying. He gently pulled me into a hug and rubbed circles onto my back

"Thank you." I couldn't stop saying as he let me cry onto his shoulder. I look up when I stopped crying to see sun quietly crying as the green haired boy gave him tissues. The blonde girl kind of stood there awkward.

Gladion held out his hand once more. I took it and he lead me out of this sewer. Up until now I had no clue where I was or how bad it stunk but as soon as we exited t he sewer fresh air hit my nose it felt so nice and there were tall buildings everywhere.

"Gladion, where are we? Sun, isn't this a dream come true?" I asked both Gladion and my brother.

"This is way better than any dream. Someone needs to pinch me." Sun replied.

"We are in Castilia city in the Unova region. But we have to board a plane to get back to where we live in the Alola region. Do you want to explore Unova before going back to Alola?" Gladion asked me and Sun.

"Uhhh." Sun said still not sure who to trust and I was feeling the same.

"You both must be hungry you're both skin and bone!" The blonde girl said. For some reason I have a hard time talking to anyone besides Sun and Gladion so I didn't answer.

"Food!" The green haired boys eyes lit up at the thought of food. "We should all try Castilia cones! I saw them when we were searching the city.

"What's a Castilia cone?" I ask Gladion.

"I have no clue. Hau, what's a Castilia cone?" Gladion asked the green haired boy now known as Hau.

"It's ice cream in the shop as the Pokémon Vanillite! How has no one had one yet?" Hau informed us but I was still confused.

"It's not like we ever left that spot in the sewer!" Sun angerly yelled. I winced at his loud voice and started going in panic mode. My breathing quickened I fell to my knees and held my head as I got flashbacks from being with the gamma assembly.

Glad ion and the blonde girl tried to go up to me to calm me but my wings suddenly acted on their own and hit them to the ground. I curled up on the ground and everything felt so big around me.

My wings wrapped around me. I hate my wings those stupid people put them on me I just want to rip them off. I faintly heard Suns voice trying to calm me down because the others were too scared to get close after I hit both blondes to the ground.

Eventually after Sun calming me down I felt ok and he helped me up. My wings folded onto my back and I stood far away from the others.

"I'm sorry." I apologize to them.

"It's fine" all three say.

"Where did those come from?" Hau asked me.

"I'd rather not talk about it." I harshly remarked.

(I know it's weird that you have wings it's something that I had put in my original ff)

After that the three people who saved us lead us around the city while Sun and I walked further behind them talking.

"The Castilia cones are over here." The blonde girl said.

"Thanks Lillie." Gladion thanked now known as Lillie. "Y/N, Sun, do you want to try icecream?"

We were both hesitant but nodded because we were really hungry. So Gladion bought his and ours while Lillie and Hau bought their own.

When Gladion handed it to us we took a bite out of it. "Oh it's so cold!" Me and Sun say.

"That's not how you eat icecream here let me show you." Lillie said. Both me and Sun watched her as she licked it.

"Oh that makes sense." Sun whispered. I nodded in response then tried the icecream once more. It's flavor was super sweet but it tasted amazing.

"Don't eat too fast Hau, you'll get a brain freeze." Gladion warned Hau.

"What's a brain freeze?" I asked

"If you eat or drink something cold too fast your brain gets cold and starts to hurt." Lillie explained.

Once everyone was done with them we all walked to a harbor.

"Five tickets please." Gladion handed more money to the man standing outside the ship. He took the money and handed Gladion a few pieces of paper.

"Have a safe trip." The man said to us. Gladion Lillie and Hau all said thank you while Sun and I stayed quiet.

"You two will be meeting you mom in three days are you two excited?" Hau asked.

"Not really we barely remember our mom and Dad." Sun replied. I nodded.

"Dad?" Hau questioned.

"Yeah," Lillie started to explain. "Their dad is the Kalos champion he's in Kalos defending his title."

"Aren't we passing Kalos on our way to Alola?" Gladion asked.


"Why do t we stop by Kalos?" Hau asked.

"That's a good idea, sun, Y/N what do you think?" Gladion asked.

Sun and I nodded wanting to visit our Dad. Then Gladion walked to the drivers seat on the ship and asked the man steering the boat if he could drop us off at Kalos first. He said he would for more money so Gladion paid and came back.

"We'll be there in a day." Gladion told us

"Doesn't Kalos have the best fashion! Y/N and sun can get haircuts and some clothes that don't look like those rags." Lillie got excited to give us a makeover.

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter we finally got a 1st person POV for Y/N!

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