Alola region!

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Sorry I haven't updated in a few days I've been really busy but I have a ton of free time now. I'm almost at the halfway point of a 9 hour road trip up from where I live (bottom of California) all the way to the top to go camping with my cousins. I decided to update today because I won't have reception for about another week so I'm trying to see if I can update this book and my amourshipping book then I'll come back to this one and try to do a double update. We'll see what I do!

Y/N pov.

After the long day in the Kalos region we got back on the boat and I fell asleep right away.

*two am*

I woke with a start sweating and panting. I just had a horrible flashback while I was sleeping. I got up drank some water and left my room. I went to the back of the ship where a bench laid against the wall. There I saw a shilouhette. It turns around and it was Gladion.

"Can't sleep?" He asks.

"Yeah I guess." I respond.

"Me neither." He sighs. He motions for me to sit next to him. I blush a little as I sat down next to him. "Wanna talk?"

"I don't know it's a little scary to even think about it." I frown.

"Alright, no pressure." Hladion looks out at the vast ocean around us then at the starry sky.

"The sky is so pretty I can't help but stare at it." I stare at the sky. The stars scattered all over.

"Do you see that cluster right there?" Gladion points.


"That's the constellation Lyra."

"What's a constellation?" I ask.

"It's a group of stars that form a recognizable pattern. I only know that one though. Lillies really into that kind of stuff." Gladion laughs a little.

I really like Gladion. He doesn't look like the kind of person to be super sweet smart and warm-hearted but he's all of them and more. How could I leeady fallen for someone especially someone I just met? This isn't right.

"-hey, Y/N? You ok?" I snap out of my trance.

"Oh I'm fine." I blush a little because he was worried about me.

"I was talking about the stars and you kind of just sat there staring at me without blinking."

"Sorry I won't do that again." I apologize

"Whoa, don't apologize it's all good." He smiles. I give home a closed eye smile and without realizing I fell asleep my head fell down onto his shoulder.

*gladions piv*

Y/N just fell asleep and now is resting on my shoulder which is good but it's too cold out for her to sleep here plus her back will hurt.

I pick up y/n easily because she's super light and carry her down to her room. I pull off the covers place her down and put them back over her. I had just turned around when I felt y/n hand grab onto my wrist and pull me down onto the bed.

"Stay" she mumbles. Er grip was hard so I guess there's no escape for me. I lay down next to her planning on leaving as soon as she falls completely asleep but my idea was ruined because I too, fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning before Y/N. She was holding onto me one arm over my side and hand on back. Her other arm went btween the bed and my neck her hand was holding onto the back of my head and her head was resting against my chest. I squirmed trying to get up but she wouldn't budge. Then the worst thing happened.

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