Prologue pt. 2

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"Hansoo! What are you doing?!" Their father shouted.

"Dad hold on!" She yelled back and rushed upstairs to her room. "Where is it where is it where is it....." She walked around her room, looking for something.

"Ah there you are!" She squeals as she grabs her anxiety toys.

"Honey hurry up!" She hears her mom shout from below. "Hold on!"

She steps out of her room before she saw something that begged to come with her. She makes contact with her lightstick. "Shit should i?"

After a few seconds of thinking, "Fuck it" She gave in and snatched her lightstick off her shelf.

"I'm done!" Hansoo rushed downstairs.

"What is that?" Her father asked.

"Anxiety toys."

She hears her brother scoff.

"Not that, that one" He questioned as he points to her lightstick.

"A lightstick"

"What is a-"

"Not now dad!"

Hansoo sees Hoseok smile from the corner of her eye.

She then packs her stuff and leaves with her family.

"Wow what the hell..." The siblings say in unison as they look out of their car window. All they can see is chaos. People screaming for help, crazy people running around and lots of burning buildings. Scary to think on how fast its spreading.

"What are they?" Hansoo asked while looking at some crazy person.

"I don't know yet, but they're pretty similar to those things that Hoseok plays" Their father answered.

"Zombies?" Hoseok's eyes widened.

"Could be."

"No way...they can actually come true? I thought they were just mythical scary ass creatures.." Hansoo placed her hand on her window, close to the 'zombies'.

"They're not really zombies that raised from the dead. Its a fungus that affects someone's brain and slowly takes over them." Their father explained.

"How do you know all of that?" Hoseok asked.

"I work at a hospital Hoseok."

"Oh right"

"How did it spread so fast?" Hansoo asked.

"I heard that its been around for 3 days just became worse today." Their father said as silence took over the air.

All they can hear is faint screams, cars honking, people freaking out. It wasn't pleasant at all.

"Hey" Hoseok whispered to Hansoo as he scooted closer. "What?" She turned her head.

"Wanna play, loser?" He pulled out his phone and opened a multiplayer game.

"Oh you're messing with the wrong person dumbass" Hansoo eyed him.

"Oh yeah? Prove it."

Hansoo chuckled.

They started playing for 20 minutes. Separating them from the outside world and the mess that's going on.

"What are you doing?!" Hoseok squealed. "STOP NO TICKLING"

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