Stage One and Two

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Ben, Harry, Jay, Mal and Evie were all at Evie's cottage on the hill. "Where's Carlos?"Harry and Ben asked in sync, giving each other a glare afterwards.
"He said he's on his way,"Jay replied, sitting next to Evie on the couch. When everybody sat down, the lights turned off, and it was silent. Confused, Evie tried turning on the TV, only for it to show static. Suddenly, it switch to a screen with someone nobody knew on it.
"Hello friends of Carlos'!"the person said, smiling evilly,"In case you're wondering, I've taken him. I will hold him captive until two of you complete a series of challenges to save him. The two I have chosen are Ben and Harry. If I see anyone else, I will not hesitate to hurt your precious baby." The camera angle switched to show a tied up Carlos, unconscious. "Meet me by the alley on the side of Goodmart in five minuets. Good luck!" The, the screen went black. Everybody in the room was silent.
"You guys better be in your way then,"Jay finally said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Harry and Ben nodded, glaring at each other before Evie showed them out of the house.
"Good luck boys,"she whispered, before handing them each a small pocket knife and shutting the door. The pair of enemies wondered down the hill and towards Goodmart, shoving each other every now and then. Finally, they reached the alley. Ben spotted a figure dressed completely in black.
"Hey!"he called,"Are you the one who took Carlos?"he questioned. The figure turned around, a sickly grin on his face.
"Yes,"he simply replied, before pressing a small button. Harry and Ben yelled for help as they both fell down a deep, deep hole...

Ben woke up, gently rubbing his head. He looked up and saw white. He was in a room with white walls that bled into a white floor. He was wearing a white jumpsuit and white trainers. He rubbed his eyes before noticing he was handcuffed to something. Well, someone. He was disgusted by who he saw. Harry. Ben was handcuffed to Harry. "Wake up moron,"he said, kicking the son of Hook. Harry slowly opened his eyes before noticing he was handcuffed to his worse enemy.
"Oh god..."Harry groaned, kicking Ben back. Suddenly, a screen appeared on one of the white walls, showing a terrified Carlos tied up, tape over his mouth.
"Thought you might need some motivation,"a voice mocked,"Here's your precious puppy, all tied up and scared. Hurry, or I might just get bored of waiting." The screen went black before disappearing again. Now worried, both boys started desperately trying to find a key or something to free them from each other. Finally, Harry found some sort of saw and cut the chain keeping the two together. Once free, they both crawled away quickly. Then, a sudden realisation hit Ben.
"This is what they want,"he said.
"What?"Harry asked, glaring at his enemy.
"This is what whoever has taken Carlos wants. They want us to hate each other so that it's harder to get him back. To save Carlos, we're gonna have to work together."
"Workin'?! With ye?! Ha, in yer dreams!"
"Harry, I don't want to anymore then you do, but we have no choice. It's for Carlos!"
"I can get the pup back by meself. I don't need ye."
"You have no idea what's behind that door! Or who is holding him captive! You have no idea what they're capable of!"
"Whatever it is, I can handle it meself." Ben sighed.
"Fine, whatever, but if you get hurt, don't come running back to me for help." The two boys glared at each other before Harry opened the door and progressed to the next stage. Ben sat in the room for a moment or two before following him.

In the next room was a large glass wall. Behind the wall was Carlos. Without thinking, Harry charged towards the wall, but fell down a deep hole. Ben, who took the more thoughtful approach, noticed that what they thought was Carlos, wasn't. It was a cardboard cut out. "Get out of there dummy, it isn't real. It's a god damn cut out." Harry groaned before standing up and pulling himself out of the hole. Ben reached down a hand to help him, but the son of Hook pushed him away.
"I'm fine, stand back ye twit." Ben stepped back mumbling an insult under his breath. Once Harry was out, they both stood there in confusion. "So what do they wan' us teh do?"
"I don't know." Ben stepped back to looked further around the room, before noticing a wooden plank hidden in the far corner of the room. "Bingo,"he breathed, walking over and trying to pick it up. "Hey Harry, give me a hand here!"
"Eh, nah. Get if yeself, ye weakling." Ben groaned before trying again to pick up the plank.
"If you help me, we'll do this quicker and get to Carlos quicker." Harry sighed in annoyance before helping the King. Between them, they managed to get the plank over the hole.
"Now how do we get past this, smarty pants?"Harry mocked. Ben thought for a moment, looking around.
"We might have to smash-" Ben wasn't able to finish when Harry lunched the glass, shattering it. He rushed to the cardboard cut out of Carlos, checking it was fake.
"Ye, it's fake,"he sighed, annoyed.
"Told you. Anyway, open that door, I think it takes us to the next stage."
"Next stage?" Ben walked closer to Harry.
"Yeah, I think we might have to go through a series of stages before we can reach Carlos.
"Well, I'm getting to 'im first!" Harry raced off.
"Oh no you're not!" Ben chased after him, smiling a little.

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