Final Stage

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Ben almost collapsed in exhaustion. Harry had an arm around the King's waist to keep him up. In this room, there was parkour. Lots of it. The first section was a pool of water with jumps to get across it. It stretched around 10 metres. The next section was jumps to get to a high surface. The boys could tell there was another part, possibly more than just one, but because the platform was so high up, they couldn't see what it was. They both fell to the floor. "I GIVE UP!!"Ben yelled, slightly crying. "YOU WIN!!" Harry looked at him.
"No mate, ye can't give up. Think about Pup. He's probably scared out of his mind,"Harry explained. In all honesty, since the beginning of this whole thing, the King had kinda grown on Harry. He wasn't actually that bad.
"It's just..."Ben started, but a wave of tears overcame him before he could finished. The pirate brought him into a hug, holding the young King tightly.
"No time for tears,"a voice said. It was the same voice as before. "You have one hour to complete all this parkour and find Carlos. If you don't, you can kiss your little puppy goodbye." A manic laugh followed the speech, then, silence. Ben sighed.
"C'mon, let's get moving..."he whispered, starting to climb the first jump. Harry slowly followed, making sure the King didn't fall. When the pair finally reached the platform, Ben passed out. Harry rushed to catch him, gently lowering him to the floor. There were three more stages of parkour, each stage around ten metres long. Both boys were exhausted and beaten, they just couldn't go on. But Ben didn't want to give up. "C'mon Harry, we can do this."
"Ben... I can't. I can't go on, it's too much..."Harry panted.
"Yes you can, we can! You told me earlier, it's for Carlos. We're so close!" Ben could see the door, that hopefully lead to Carlos. He reached into his pocket and took out the key he'd gotten earlier from the bodies. They were too close. They could do this. "Harry..." Ben reached out a hand after standing up. Harry looked at it before taking it. The King helped him to his feet before looking at the next jump. If they didn't make it, they'd fall into a twenty-foot deep hole. He took a deep breath before jumping. He smiled and laughed slightly with relief. Harry quickly followed, and before they knew it they'd reached the end. Finally. Right behind this door was the boy they'd been looking for all this time. The boy they'd risked their lives for, been cut and bruised for. Ben took out the key and gently opened the door. Looking inside, both boys instantly spotted Carlos, tied up and crying. "Carlos!"they both cried, running to him and hugging him from both sides. The puppy boy looked up and practically cried with joy. Ben took off the tape over his mouth.
"Guys! Thank you so much!"Carlos exclaimed as Harry untied him. The son of Cruella pulled both his friends into a tight hug, both boys holding him close. Then, Harry and Ben shared a look. Now was the tough part. Who was gonna be with Carlos? "C'mon,"Carlos said, breaking them from their thoughts. "Let's get out of here." He lead them to a door behind him and it took all three of them to get it open. Ben then noticed Carlos' outfit. He was wearing a white v-neck hoodie with black spots and a dark red skirt and black tights. He was also wearing black heeled ankle boots. His curly hair looked lighter than usual, he even had a little eyeliner and blush on. Harry also seemed in love with it. Then they realised where they were. In the middle of nowhere. The son of Hook would've fallen to the ground if it weren't for Ben holding him up. Carlos then looked at both of them. They were bruised and had many scars, deep cuts and make-shift bandages. They were both shirtless, exposing their impressive abs. Their white jumpsuits, well half jumpsuits, had blood splatters all over them, as well as their white shoes. His eyes tearing up, Carlos threw himself into their arms, crying. "You poor things..."he choked out. Ben realised what he was talking about.
"It's okay Carlos, we're okay..."he whispered into Carlos' cloud of white hair. The puppy boy pulled back and traced his fingers along Ben's abs, sniffing and fighting back more tears. Harry and Ben sandwiched him in a hug, both boys fighting to hold him closer.
"C'mon, we need to get home to Eves, she's probably so worried. And Jay..." The other boys nodded in agreement and hoped the way they were going was correct.

Finally, after long hours, they got home. When Carlos pushed open the door, none of the boys took any notice of the worried Evie sitting nearby and the pale Mal comforting her. They all just collapsed on the sofa. "Puppy!!"Evie cried, rushing to Carlos and pulling him into a hug. Carlos smiled and hugged her back. "Oh thank god you're okay! I was worried sick!" Her smiled faded once she noticed Harry and Ben. "What happened?!"she cried, signalling for Mal to get some medical supplies. After ten minuets of carefully explaining what happened as Evie and Mal patched them up correctly, Carlos asked, "Where's Jay?" Mal looked at him, sadness in her eyes.
"We don't know... we couldn't find him anywhere..."she explained. Carlos looked down, clearly trying hard not to cry. Harry pulled him into a hug, Ben holding his hand comfortingly.
"We need to find him..."Ben said to Mal and Evie. "Have you tried his phone?" Mal's eyes went wide.
"Oh god, we haven't!"she cried, standing up and grabbing her phone. She typed in her password and found Jay's contact. She rung him, hoping he'd pick up. "C'mon Jay, c'mon!"she mumbled. He picked up.
"Hello?"came his voice.
"JAY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!"she practically screamed down the phone.
"Jeez, chill out. I went for a walk."
"Well, Carlos, Ben and Harry are back, so come back right now, Carlos is crying he needs you."
"Okay, I'm coming. Cya in a bit, loser."
"Cya idiot." Mal put her phone down. "He's coming home now, he just went for a walk."
"Told you so,"Evie teased from her spot beside Ben. Mal rolled her eyes.

One hour later, Jay finally walked through the door. "Jay!"Carlos cried, jumping into his best friend's arms. Jay held him close.
"Hey buddy, we were worried 'bout you,"he whispered into Carlos' ear.
"I was worried about you..."the son of Cruella whispered back.
"Why? I wasn't even in trouble."
"I'm always worried about you. Like, someday you'll just leave me alone."
"You'll never be alone, C. You have Mal and Evie, Ben and Harry, Uma and Gil..." Jay continued to name all their friends.
"But none of them can cuddle like you can. Or calm me down after nightmares like you can."
"Maybe they can do it better. You've never tried." The two conversed for a while until night came, and the boys headed back to their apartment.

The next morning, Jay was in the kitchen while Carlos sat in the lounge. A few minuets later, he heard a knock. He went and opened the door. Harry and Ben walked in. "Hey guys,"he said, smiling.
"Hey Pup,"Harry started, standing on one side of Carlos, Ben on the other. "We were wondering, what do you think about us?"
"Well, I think you're both great. You both care about people and-"
"Well, we kinda mean what's yer favourite thing about each of us."
"Umm... I like how you're really caring and loving even though loads of people are scared of you. Ben, I think you're kind and loving and you just want what's best for Auradon."
"And... which of us do ye prefer?" Carlos turned to face both boys.
"Umm... I dunno... you're both amazing..."
"If ye had the chance to... umm... date one of us... who would ye choose?"
"I guess I would choose..."

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