Stage Four and Five

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As the boys stepped into the next room, the door slammed shut behind them. Out of fear, Ben leaped into Harry's arms while the pirate himself let out a high pitched scream. They then both registered what had just happened and parted immediately. Ben brushed himself down while Harry fussed with his hair before realising something. "MY HOOK!?!?"he yelled, grabbing Ben by the collar at the top of his jumpsuit. "WHAT DID YE DO WITH MY HOOK?!?!"
"I didn't take it, you never had it. It wasn't there when this whole thing started!"Ben explained, pushing himself away from Harry's grip. The pirate mumbled some curse words under his breath before they both turned to see what this room had in store for them. Ben froze in fear while Harry reached and grabbed the young King's hand. They held hands for a moment before they both screamed. The room was filled with spiders. Small ones, big ones, black ones, brown ones all sorts. Unfortunately, the only person out of all the friends who wasn't absolutely terrified of spiders was Carlos. One of the larger spiders crawled onto Harry's leg, causing the pirate to scream and kick his leg, accidentally knocking over another spider who fell onto Ben's leg. Before they knew it, both boys were tangled in their worst nightmare. Finally, Harry grabbed the pocket knife Evie had given him. Thank god, even though they'd lost their clothes, he'd put his knife in his underwear, so it was still there. He grabbed it and started slicing the spiders, killing any that came near him. Eventually, the spiders got the idea and stayed away from Harry, bugging Ben instead. The son of Hook felt a little bit of sympathy for his enemy and fought the hair creatures away for him. He helped the King off the floor and the boys made there was towards the door, shaken. Any spider that came near them was quickly introduced to Harry's knife, in a little too friendly manner. Ben stayed behind the pirate, pointing out the spiders and clutching the back of his jumpsuit. Finally, they reached the door, sighed before throwing themselves into the next room, blindly.

Harry got a face full of barbed wire, resulting in him getting a large cut from his right eye to the right edge of his mouth. Blood came out instantly as he gripped his face. Ben reached over to help him, only to fall into the wire himself and get a cut from his wrist to his elbow. Both boys fell backwards again, into each other's arms. "Ahhh..."Ben hissed, clutching his arm.
"Ye ain't got it on ye face!"Harry barked, using the top of his jumpsuit to wipe some of the blood off.
"Still hurts!"
"Eh, sure it does!"Harry spat, sarcastically. Ben looked around.
"There's the door!" He posted to the end of the barbed wire maze, where there was the next door. "We have to got through..."
"Ye have gotteh be kiddin' me!" Neither Harry's face nor Ben's arm had stopped bleeding yet and they were both still shook from the spiders. Ben gently pushed one of the wires away, it cutting into the palm of his hand. He muttered curses under his breath before pushing them further apart.
"You're gonna have to help me with this,"Ben reminded, glaring at Harry.
"Alright, don't get ye fur in a tangle,"he joked before helping the King. Between them, they managed to get half way through before neither could take any more. "Ay, hurts!"
"Yeah, I know. God, why are we doing this again?"
"For Pup!"
"Oh, right! Carlos better be grateful."
"Eh, he will be." The pair sat down for a rest. Ben looked at his wounds.
"Harry, hand me your pocket knife for a minuet." Harry sighed before handing Ben the pocket knife.
"Didn't Evie give ye one?"
"She did but I lost it 'cause we lost our clothes and got these instead." Ben used the pocket knife to rip the part of the jumpsuit attaching the top to the bottom, pulling off the top part. He cut it into small strips and made make-shift bandages for his wounds. Harry was shocked. The King had some muscles. "See something you like?"Ben teased as Harry gawked at him.
"Jus' didn' expect a King like ye to have muscles like 'em..."he whispered before grabbing the pocket knife back and doing the same to his own jumpsuit. Ben was also impressed.
"Your fit, but nothing in comparison to Jay."
"I can say the same for ye."

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