Stage Seven and Evie's Cottage

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Inside the next room were dead bodies. Hundreds of them. Shaking, Ben looked up. On the ceiling were more, strung up by their necks. He edged slightly closer to Harry. At the end of the room was the door and a huge sign that read, 'Inside one of these bodies is the key to the door. In another is the key to open Carlos' cell. Find both.' Trembling, Ben reached out towards one of the bodies. It was defiantly real. "They're... real..."he stuttered, close to passing out. Harry wasn't in as much shock.
"Eh, a few bodies never hurt anyone,"he said, kicking one close to him.
"Yes it does... these are real people... that are... dead..."
"People die on the Isle everyday, mate. Ya get used to it." Ben shook his head. There was no way he was digging inside these bodies to find keys.
"Can you do it?"
"Can you look for the keys?"
"Honestly, I ain't gonna be able to find 'em by meself. We need two, ye get one I get one, deal?"
"Fine..." The young King slowly crouched down and poked at one of the bodies. Harry started wading through them, picking some up and feeling around them for any keys. "Found something,"Ben finally said. He sighed with relief. A key.
"Which one do ye reckon it is?"Harry asked. The King stood up again and tried the door. It didn't open.
"Carlos' cell." Harry continued searching, Ben watching from afar. After a few minuets, that felt like hours, he found something. The other key. He rushed to the door, Ben close on his tail, and unlocked it. When both exhausted boys saw what was ahead, they both screamed, "YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDIN' ME?!?!"

Mal rushed into Jay's room. Nobody. The gaming room. Nobody. Carlos' room. Nope. Jay was nowhere to be seen. "E!"she called. Her girlfriend rushed upstairs.
"What is it?"she asked.
"I can't find Jay! I noticed I couldn't hear him, so I came to check, and he isn't here!"
"Maybe he just went for a walk?"
"Did you see him leave? 'Cause I sure didn't!"
"M, calm down, I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just worried about Carlos. C'mon, I know what'll cheer you up." Evie lead Mal back downstairs and lay her down on the couch, pressing a quick his to her lips. She then placed the movie Mal picked out into the DVD player and cuddled with her girlfriend.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Gil and Uma were working on something. "Don't you think this is a little... I dunno... evil?"Gil questioned. "You promised Mal-"
"Who cares what I said to Mal?! You've seen how crazy Harry is for Carlos, don't you wanna help him out a little?"Uma snapped, crossing some words out in her notebook.
"Yeah but-"
"No 'buts'! C'mon, help me out here!" The son of Gaston sighed in defeat before helping Uma brainstorm ideas. This is bad... he thought, This is really, really bad...
"Hey Uma..."Gil began.
"What now?!"Uma sighed.
"You know I care for Harry so so much but... we promised him we wouldn't be evil. He needs us to not scheme or lie to steal so that he gets a better reputation. It'll make Carlos more likely to fall for him."
"Why do we have anything to do with Harry's reputation?"
"Because we're his team. We're his crew. He loves us and we love him." Uma glared at him. Gil sighed. "Not like that. He's like your brother, right?" Uma nodded. "And he's like mine too. I say we leave this plan alone, forget about it. Harry's good-looking and is amazing at flirting, puts Jay to shame, he'll be fine on his own." Uma considered Gil's words.
"I suppose you're right... besides, I'm hungry. Let's go raid the kitchen for food." Gil smiled. This idea was a lot better then what they had written down. The son of Gaston put his arms around Uma and they headed downstairs, throwing the paper in the trash on the way.

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