Evie's Cottage and Stage Five (Two)

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Evie sat in her studio sewing. She did this when she was worried or stressed. As Mal watched her, she could tell her girlfriend wasn't worried about Ben or Harry. She was worried about Carlos. He'd always been like a son to her, and her not knowing where he is must be killing her. "Babe, relax. I know you're worried about Carlos, but he's probably fine. I bet Harry and Ben already found him but they're just messing around somewhere!"Mal reassured.
"Why would they do that?! I mean, yeah Harry's stupid and Ben is always too distracted by Carlos to think straight, but I know Carlos himself has common sense! He would know I'm worried and make sure they either come home right away or at least text me!"Evie worried, too wound up in talking to remember to move her finger and accidentally cut it. "Ow!"
"E, calm down!" Mal walked over to her girlfriend and pulled her into a hug after turning off the sewing machine. "He's fine, Ben and Harry will get to him and they'll be back before you know it. Let's just watch a movie and cuddle, try take your mind off it." Mal knew Evie could never say no to a movie and cuddles.
"Okay..."she agreed, standing up and straitening out her dress. "Let me get a band-aid for my finger and you can pick a movie." Evie went into a cupboard in her studio while Mal headed into the lounge to pick out a movie. She could hear Gil and Uma talking upstairs, but she couldn't hear Jay. At all. No footsteps or talking or even the sound of a video game. That can't be good... she thought. Whenever Jay was worried, he played a game. Tourney or a video game, anything. It calmed him like sewing did for Evie. She placed her chosen movie on the side of the couch before jumping up the stairs to check on her long-haired friend.

Ben lay his head on Harry's chest. The pirate had fallen asleep on the floor. They were about three quarters of the way to the exit, and both of them were covered in cuts and scratches from trying to escape. The King was exhausted too, but the image of Carlos tied up, scared and crying was haunting his mind. The poor thing... he thought. He was shaking from the cold, slightly regretting cutting up his warm jumpsuit. He curled closer to Harry. The pirate wrapped his arms around Ben, pulling him closer. Eventually, the King closed his eyes.

Ben awoke again to Harry trying to rip his was through the barbed wire. "What...?"he mumbled, still half asleep.
"Tryin' to escape, mate,"the pirate replied, too busy trying to move the wire to turn around. Ben stood up and started helping him. "I woke up with ye curled into me, what's that about?"
"Cold..." Ben dared a glance at his enemy (?). Harry's face had one 'bandage' wrapped over from his right eye to under his chin, covering half his face, along with loads all over his arms and chest. Ben mostly had it on his arms, a few on his chest.
"Ye sure or have ye got a little crush on me?" Ben flushed bright red at Harry's words.
"Nah, my whole heart belongs to Carlos and Carlos only."
"Same here."
"I didn't ask."
"Well I answered anyway, idiot." Ben looked away. He was a little saddened that they were back to their squabbling. He really thought they were gonna become friends. Why would we, Ben thought, We're both madly in love with the same person, how could we ever be friends? The King concentrated on the task at hand instead of complicating things. Finally, the pair reached the last wire in their way. "Ye gonna do it, or shall I?"
"You looked beaten up enough, I'll do it." Ben reached out and pulled the last wire out of the way, cutting his hand a little. They'd reached the door. Harry reached and opened the door, when they were both knocked out.

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